Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Living Desert Zoo

We love the Living Desert Zoo

One of my favorite parts of the zoo is the Giraffe encounter. You can get so close to the giraffes and feed them! 

The cheetah was also showing off which was pretty cool. 

My kids loved petting and grooming the goats. 

Lilah got a piece of chocolate stuck to her tooth and she looked toothless but she has yet to lose a tooth. 

I'm still teaching at West Coast University. It's been fun. It's a long commute but I've been enjoying it so far. 

Annie is such a busy body! She is always on the go getting into something. 

And making messes. 

She's so fun to watch though. 

Marcia's Glauser family was in town so we joined them for an afternoon hike. 

Some grandkids. 

Annie with Papa Glauser

We went and joined them for Sunday dinner. We always eat so delicious at Marcia's house. 

Grandma's famous Rainbow Jello

And don't forget the games after dinner. 

Glauser cousins watching a show. 

Fun night hanging with the Glauser cousins

Playing games with grandma, except my kids kept cheating. It was making grandma laugh. 

Lilah made a little bestie with her Glauser cousin. 

Papa made s'more with all of the kids. It was very chaotic haha! 

The kids eating our Christmas decorations. Annie and Lilah are the worst. They have the biggest sweet tooth. 

Our Christmas decorations. 

David was so tired he couldn't even walk to bed. 

I can still carry Annie on my hip! 

Lilah loves pictures. 

Jill is always sending Annie cute hand me downs. We love all of them! 

Annie being a menace as per usual. 

I bought the kids snow boards and accidentally forgot I had hidden them in the car. We jumped in the car and David was so excited to see his presents from Santa. Woops! 

Annie is ready! For what? Who knows but she's ready! 

David's school had a cute Christmas carnival and we got to go hang out and do fun Christmas crafts. 

David's picture up on his classroom. 

David won a price at one of the games. 

In December, we also got to celebrate Marcia's birthday. 

We love going over to the Savianu home for playdates. 

My kids always have a great time. It's so great having friends become family. 

We decided to invite the Wilsons over for dinner. Life is so busy. It's hard to keep up with friends some times. I need to do better about inviting friends over to our house. 

My kids love Ethan. 

And Annie loves Owen

David didn't want to let go of his bestie. 

I keep thinking we are close to leaving our stroller, but I think we still have a couple of more years out of it. 

My kids got to see Santa Claus for the church Christmas party. 

I love when Lilah draws. She drew a cute snowman. 

Great job, Lilah! 

Oh boy, Annie is in her drawing stage right now and will always get a hold of markers. I'm always grateful when it's not a sharpie. 

Here she is showing off her work. 

Time to clean up! 

Lilah at her Christmas concert. 

My friend came over and brought cinammon rolls for no reason. It reminds me that I need to be that type of friend. 

Annie is the best at giving hugs. Especially when someone is feeling sad. 

Lilah with her baby at the park. I am going to be so sad when she is done with dolls. 

My friend Robin organized for us to go caroling at a nursing home. It was so fun!

We also went caroling. 

Another thing we love to do during Christmas time is go to the temple and see the chalk art that talented artists draw on the ground. 

This one was drawn by my friend, Remmik. 

We always love the live nativity

Our annual Nativity picture. 

My favorite little kids


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