Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today I got to hear our sweet baby's heart beat. Oh it was music to this momma's ears! At first it took the doctor a couple of minutes to chase the little munchkin around (such a mover!) but finally she was able to listen to the heart beat for a couple of seconds. 150 strong beats per minute. I fell in love a little deeper with this being inside of me. It was nice to have more reassurance, that yes, there is something growing inside of me other than just all those pregnancy cravings. I'm 15 weeks 5 days now. Time is flying!
(This is very first U/S. about 7 weeks here)
I scheduled my appointment for my 20 week ultrasound. I can't wait to find out what we're having. I think it'll bring things a little more into perspective. I'm kinda tired of calling our baby "baby" or "it"
Last week I went shopping for baby stuff with my friends. It was so much fun looking at everything but it was hard not knowing if I should be buying bows or ties.
Well that's enough of my rambling for tonight. Just an excited 24 year old waiting for her baby to start growing some more so people don't look at me funny at the gym when I ditch out on abs :D