Saturday, October 7, 2023



Annie is so funny. She insisted on wearing this flotation device around the house. 

Waiting for Lilah to get home. 

I love cooking at home. I wished the messes would clean themselves. That would definitely make it more enjoyable :)

Lilah and David playing, "We're going on an airplane" like they do once a week. 

Annie learned how to drink water from the faucet and that's how she wants to drink water every day. 

I have Annie in a little Toddler class at the library and she's so funny, she knows once class is over that she can go downstairs and color. She knows the routine! 

Annie was sleeping so it was just me and David at home while Lilah got home from school. We were playing and he kept pushing my little man back every time I kept getting close to winning. What a cheater! 

Annie is a good little eater! 

So silly and cute. She still fits in a small box. 

Annie has the best personality! 

She knows she is hilarious and wants everyone to look at her. 

Girls picture. 

David has been all about Monster Jam trucks lately. He even makes himself ramps in the back yard. 

Mike sent me this picture. They were watching the BYU game. 

I love library time with my little Annie. 

Her fireworks pigtails are my FAVE. 

Her favorite is playing with baby dolls and kitchen stuff. 

Annie waiting for someone to push her :)

Lilah was crying so Annie was consoling her. Annie is so empathetic and sweet. 

She's also crazy and LOVES the water and being outside. 

Annie entertaining herself while I showered. 

She knows when I say it's time to pick up David from school that she needs to jump in her little car. 

If David is playing the piano, Annie wants to play too. 

Annie loves putting other people's shoes on. 

Wearing Lilah's shoes and "helping" dad 

The kids were in trouble so I sent them upstairs to clean the play room as a punishment. Tell me why I found them upstairs with a box full of candy and playing on screens. Oh these kids! 

Annie wearing Daddy's shoes. She is so funny! 

It had been warm this summer so I hadn't cooked sourdough bread in a while. Now that the temperatures are cooling off a bit, it's time to bake again! 

Lilah loves to wear my shoes. Too cute. 

A rare moment of David sleeping on me so I had to soak it all in! He is getting so big. Sometimes he calls me "mama" and my hearts stops wondering if that will be the last time he calls me that. 

Group picture! 

Annie enjoying some fresh air. 

My kids never play with toys. They just destroy the house instead. Oh, well. 

Yummy Belgian waffles and Lilah waving her "I'm 6" sign. 

I took the kids to a baptism since I'm in primary and had to attend. We got to take pictures at the temple since it was at the stake center next door. 

Annie is always ready for a picture! 

Lilah giving the baptism girl her present from the primary. 

It was almost an hour long service because there were 3 baptisms and it was just me and the kids. Always stressful but worth it. 

We went to Lilah's audiology appointment at Loma Linda and found out it had been canceled when we got there after she had missed school. I was so upset, we went and had some Mexican food to make us feel better. Although, we left quickly because going to a restaurant with a 1 year old is not relaxing in the least. 

Pictures from Mike of the kids. 

My friend got married in Hawaii and I had the opportunity to go alone! 

I had never been anywhere alone and I missed having the family but oh man did it sure feel good to not have to wrangle kids around. 

I wasn't able to do hikes or anything because I was afraid to do along but I did get to do fun things with my friends. 

The wedding was so much fun. 

My friend Lara looked absolutely gorgeous! 

The food was so delicious too. 

They even had fresh coconuts and I had never tasted such delicious coconut water in my life. 

Here is my friend Sam drinking some coconut water. The venue was absolutely beautiful too. 

The whole wedding was incredible. 

Can you believe this view?

I need to start saving up for when my kids get married. 

My coworkers from RACU. 

My friend Brianne and Elias. 

Lara and Jeff even had their dog be in the wedding. 

The groom was barely holding it together. 

On my way to the wedding. So pretty! 

I had a little bit of time before the wedding so I went to the visitor's center. 

Such a tropical temple. 

I also drove to the East side of the island and took the scenic route. 

I stopped at one of the most beautiful beaches I had ever seen and laid out and relaxed. It was amazing. 

Breakfast by the beach