Saturday, April 20, 2019

39 weeks

I keep thinking I need to jot down some things about this pregnancy because I am totally going to forget as soon as this baby boy is born. 
So far this pregnancy has been easy breezy. People ask me if I am done being pregnant but I don't mind it at all. 
Some things about this pregnancy is I've been really tired. I am thinking that is mostly because I have a toddler running around all day. Everyday when Lilah takes a 2 hour nap I take a nap with her. I am still able to sleep throughout most of the night except for those occasional bathroom breaks. 

Heart burn. I don't ever remember getting heartburn with Lilah but with this little boy I have had to take some Tums. Some times in the middle of the night, the heartburn will wake me up and I will jump up and go grab some Tums. I think this is a good thing because baby used to be transverse and now he's laying correctly and pushing on my esophagus. 

My pelvis has been hurting more. It kind of feels like I've been sitting on a very uncomfortable bike for a long time. I remember with Lilah being able to do lunges and squats and whatever I wanted but this time around, I have to make sure I sit in a comfortable chair, for not too long, and get up correctly or else!

Cravings. I don't really get cravings when I'm pregnant. During my first trimester I remember being really hungry for carbs. That's where I gained so much weight. I just wanted junk food all day long. I think I went almost a month with buying fast food and not cooking because I was too tired and hungry. I definitely gained more weight this time around and was not as active before getting pregnant. 

My feet are bigger. I think I just need to call it quits and throw away all of my shoes from when before I was pregnant. I don't think we're ever going to go back to pre-mom Joanna. 

Every week I look at my belly and love that huge round belly of mine. Just when I wonder how it can get any bigger it does. I love what my body is doing. And it is doing such an amazing job at it. I have transferred hospitals in hopes that I can try for a natural delivery this time around. I have been listening to meditations, walking, eating dates every day, drinking raspberry leaf tea, and bouncing on a yoga ball in hopes that I will go into labor by myself. At my last doctor's appointment he said he would let me go until 41 weeks before talking induction. As for now, I will continue to walk in hopes that this baby will want to make his way out. 

We are officially done with the nursery! Mike did such a great job. I will post some pictures later. I just have to do some more decorating but it feels so good to have a little space for baby now. I have finally packed my hospital bag and have a little bag for Lilah in case she needs to go to my friend's house over night. I guess now we just wait. 

For me that's the hardest part about being pregnant. The not knowing when baby will be here and how. I wish I had a magic ball that would tell me, "You're going to be in labor for 24 hours and end up with a C-section" So that way I could just get it over and schedule it instead of waiting. But, I really hope to have a natural, safe delivery this time around. Hopefully baby and I can make it happen. We shall see. 

Oh and we have a name now, I think it will be David. We haven't officially told anyone because I think it's so stressful to name another human that I don't want to make it official yet. But, i'm pretty sure that we will go with David :)

Beach day

Since we had another day off together, Mike and I decided to make a beach trip. 
We went over to Huntington Beach to spend the day. 

Lilah wasn't too sure about getting dirty at first, it took her a while to warm up to it. 

Trying to keep her toes off the sand. 

Starting to enjoy the sand. It's nice that she doesn't like to get dirty. One of the perks of having a little girl. 

Helping daddy make sand castles. 

She wanted to go play with all the birds that were flying around. 

I thought it'd be fun to take Lilah to the water. It's California water so it's kind of cold so I was worried she would cry. 

I told Mike to take her in just a little bit. 

After a couple of times, Lilah was hooked!

She did not want to get out of the water!

She kept asking to go in. 

She was having the best time running away from the waves. 

She asked to do it 50 times before we had to pull her away from it. 

She kept signing "bath" and kept wanting to go back in. 

She is such a little water lover!

All tuckered out. 

Eating snacks and falling asleep. 

Once we were all done, she climbed into the wagon and was ready to be wheeled back to the truck. 

She was so excited to see that daddy had brought his bike with him. 

Lilah LOVES bike rides with daddy. 

Can you see her excited face!

Lilah is so lucky to have such a fun daddy!

While these two went on a bike ride. I relaxed in the car. Mike said they drove to the pier and walked around there for a while. It was a great beach day with my little family. I am so thankful for days like these when I can just enjoy these two.