Tuesday, May 9, 2017

4th annual Stewart-Castillo Angels game

Marsix and Alex came over to hang out and go to our 4th annual Angels game. When they got here we headed out to LA to the callejones to shop and get our delicious Mexican treats. 

We were gonna go to the Angels game that night but it was too chilly so we ended up eating tacos and went home. 

The night was still young so we decided to swap baby sitting and go on kid-less dates. 

We went out for dessert. It was nice being able to talk and just hang out the two of us. 

The next day we went to the Angels game. 

It was so fun taking Lilah for her first time.

She did great. 

She was having a hard time falling asleep since it was so loud but eventually surrendered. 

My cute kitty!

A daddy and his baby girl.

After the game we went over to Crystal Cove State Park. I always forget what a pretty beach that is. 

It's pretty and there usually not many people there.

It was a bit cloudy and chilly

It even sprinkled on us

We walked around the beach and enjoyed the views

Lilah liked hanging out in her baby carrier

It was another fun weekend. Can't believe we kept our tradition another year. Can't wait for many more to come

White Water

The other day we decided to take the pups out on a walk. I wanted them to run around without a leash so we went over to White Water in Palm Springs. It's close by and the dogs can roam around free there. 

I feel bad because I can't take them to the park any more but there's no way I'm taking Lilah to a dog park and Mike usually gets home when all the dogs are gone. 

I think we will try to take the dogs more often, they love it here.

They LOVE the water. Butter likes to lay down in the water and just sit there.

Happy dog!

Gus loves exploring. Sometimes he goes off far but he's pretty good about coming back when called. 

Lilah loved it too.