Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mother's Day

Another Mother's Day has come and gone. So glad that I have to wonderful mothers in my life. I even scored big time in the mother in law department. This year I wanted to make something for Marcia. It took a long time to figure out what I wanted to make her until I had the bright idea of painting something for her. I haven't painted for years and I was super scared about messing it up. I don't know what I was thinking taking on such a big project, I was definitely feeling optimistic.  
After deciding I wanted to paint something for her, I then had to decide what it was I was going to paint. That was an easier decision to make. I had a picture in my head of the Manti Temple and since sunsets are my favorite thing ever, there was going to be a sunset in the back ground.
The first thing I did was to start on the temple and man was that hard. It took me 2 days to draw the temple but, then I decided that it was too big so I started over and 2 days later the outline was finished.   

After I had a rough draft of the temple I decided to paint some trees around the temple. Once the trees were done, I worked some more on the temple.

I took a break from the temple and started on the sunset, my favorite part. I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like, just didn't know quite how to get there. I started adding colors and slowly started blending them together.

I started adding layers and layers and layers of colors. Working with water colors was very tricky because sometimes I would get the colors layered just perfect and some colors would start to run down and I'd have to start over.

I would take a break from the sunset and work some more on the texture of the walls on the temple. It was so hard to get the shadows just right. I would add more colors then take away colors.

A week later I had gotten the temple just about right. I still had to work on some details but at least it looked like a temple now.

I was excited to see that the sunset was finally start to come together. My next challenge was the grass. When I painted it I decided there needed to be some texture to it because I didn't like the lines made by the brush. Also, I decided I didn't like the way the trees looked so I took those off and made some bushes instead.

This little  painting took me a whole 2 weeks but It was made with lots and lots of love  for my wonderful mother in law. I wished I could've had some more time to add some more colors to the sunset but I'm happy with the results.

The weekend of mother's day, Michael's childhood friend was married and we were able to witness their sealing in the Redlands Temple.

One of Michael's best friend flew in from Washington and they were all able to hang out for a bachelor's party the day before the wedding. Mike said he had a great time with his friends racing karts.

After the wedding Matt's friend's, Jill, Tory and Mike and I had a couple of rounds of Scattegories and Wits and Wagers. I've never played so many board games until I married into the Stewart family.

On Sunday Jill, Katie and I set out to make Marcia a delicious dinner.

Man did we cook up a yummy meal!

We made pesto chicken, veggies, salad and desserts.

I made some cheesecake strawberries, chocolate dipped strawberries and chocolate banana dipped  and Jill made strawberry short cake. It was all finger licking good!

Walt and Marcia let the missionaries in the ward come to their house and Skype on the computer with their families. They all had very good things to say about dinner

At night it was time to open presents. I had sneaked Marcia's painting on top of her dresser for her to see after church. I think she was truly surprised and came down right away to say thank you. She brought it down to the living room next to her presents to open.

For Mother's day Katie went out and bought Marcia things for a bathroom remodel. It was a present from all of us and we were sure thankful Katie was nice enough to go get the stuff. Plus Katie has great taste. She loved it!

We had such a great day. So thankful for Marcia and her great example and for always being there to support me and listen to me. She is truly amazing and we couldn't be luckier to have her.

Girl's day out

Jill was in town for a wedding and we were able to have a little girl's day. We decided to kick off the day with lunch at P.F. Changs, which by the way was a TOTAL disappointment. It was a very expensive bowl of brown rice with a tiny bit of meat. BUT, it was nice to sit down and chit chat and catch up a little on what's been going on in our lives.
After lunch we headed over to see the Divergent which I really liked. Katie had read the book and was a little disappointed in it, but I didn't know any better and really enjoyed it. Can't wait for number 2 to come out.
After the movie we walked around Victoria Gardens Mall. It's an outdoor mall and has tons of stores. Katie did a little shopping while I day dreamed in Pottery Barn. After some shopping Jill suggested some fro-yo. Oh man, it was the perfect ending to our little trip. It was delish!
We were trying to take some good selfies in the car until one ladies told us to hurry and get out cause she wanted our parking spot. Okay that's not what she said exactly but pretty much, hehe. What a party pooper.
I had so much fun with these two. Even the ride home was fun singing in the car. I really have the best sister in laws.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Vanellope Obedience Castillo


A couple of weeks ago Mike and I woke up bright and early to make it to baby Castillo's baby blessing. It was like a mini family reunion! I love the joy that new babies bring. Everyone gathers together to celebrate such a small but important little human. I'm a sucker for baby blessings. Specially the part were the dad holds up the baby in front of the pulpit with a big smirk on his face. My Tia Mary made Posole, one of my favorite dishes, and man was it delicious. She had to make enough for two huge families. I have no idea how she cooks so much and yet it's just as bit delicious. She is one talented cook.

Proud grandparents and baby Vanellope holding up a peace sign.

Sleeping beauty. I think she looks a lot like her dad but my aunt says she looks just like mommy.

Marsix had the pregnancy glow through out her pregnancy. When I think of pregnancy I think of being hot and having swollen ankles but this girl made pregnancy and birth look like a stroll in the park. She was so brave that she had her baby at her house. They had planned to do a water birth at home but by the time they had filled up the pool baby Vanellope had already arrived. No complication and  a healthy baby.

It was such a fun weekend to hang out with the family. My aunt and uncle had to work that night so it was just Alex and Marsix and Mike and I at home. We had a great time playing board games, eating junk food, watching movies and catching up on life well into the late hours of the night. We love hanging with these two and wish them the best at parenthood.

Mackenzie Marie Mae Lee

My sweet friend Schyler had her baby shower. It felt like it was just last week that we were on a road trip to Sacramento and she was showing me her positive pregnancy test. I'm so blessed to have this girl in my life and there was no way I would've been able to apply to nursing school without her help. I look forward to seeing her grow as a wife and as a mommy. Schyler has so many people who love her and her baby shower was so fun. I've never seen so many people at a shower and so many presents! Baby Mackenzie is going to be so spoiled and loved. 
I got to see my old LVN friend also and her cute baby girl. She was pregnant while we were in the program and now her baby is almost one, crazy!

Literally took this girl 2 hours to open all her presents, my face would've been hurting at the end of the day.

Congrats Schy!

Quarter of a Century

I can't believe I made it to 25! When I was in High School a 25 year old was old. They were accomplished. The second chapter of their life had already started. They had started their careers. But I'm anything but. Specially the old part ;) Working in the hospital has made me paranoid about dying and has made me realize how incredibly blessed to 1) make it to 25 and 2) make it to 25 healthy.  I was having lunch with my friend the other day and she started laughing at me because for everything I would think of the worst case scenario. If I'm at a baseball game, I look at the exits "just in case" there is a fire, If I'm at a hospital sometimes I think of what I would do "just in case" there was a earthquake. When I'm driving I'm always looking at the cars around me "just in case" there was an accident to happen in front of me. Either I'm a pessimist or a realist, I haven't decided yet.
But being in the hospital and seeing all of the diseases, malformations and family drama that I don't have in my life makes me so grateful. I wish I was in a different place in my life right now but I guess things never really go as planned. I think that's because I'm not the one that's supposed to be doing the planning.
I guess the whole point of this rant is to say that I don't take for granted turning 25. There's so much to be thankful for specially since I haven't had that bad of a life. I always think that if you want something, you better work your butt at it to accomplish it because no one is going to hand it to me in a platter (Even though I wish I had those kinds of parents) And that's what I'm doing right now. Working my butt off in school and taking it day by day.
I almost didn't celebrate my birthday because I should've been studying for a test. But 25 is a milestone and shouldn't pass without at least a little celebration. We decided to make a quick trip to visit my cousin Marsix and give her, her baby shower present and celebrate in Sin City. We got in the car after Mike came home from work and got there about 9pm, thankfully my family is a bunch of night owls and they were ready to go out with us that night.
The first thing we did is have Mexican food at a hole in a wall that Marsix and Alex love. The place was packed and it was easy to see why. It was pretty authentic Mexican food. 
I'm so glad we got to hang out with these two and get to know Alex a little better. So happy these two got hitched and are expecting their first babe.

Mike and I shared carne asada fries, one of our faves.

After dinner we went and walked the strip. We went into the casinos and looked around. I love to people watch. It amazes me how different people can be and how clueless people are regarding then plan of salvation (Again overthinking things like good old Joanna :) )

It was fun to see all of the lights, and all of the entertainment on the streets. This city really never sleeps.

The casinos had really fun displays.

I can't believe how much we walked and talked. We were having such a great time that midnight came and went and we didn't even notice.


We had walked so far that I can't believe Marsix didn't go into labor.
There was no way we were walking back to our car so we hopped on the tram.

 It was a great 25th birthday surrounded by some of my favorite people. I'm excited to see what the next 25 will bring.