Saturday, March 9, 2024

Movie Date

This post is a little out of order but my pictures are not uploading so I'll just upload them. 

We have had very wet springs these past years. For a rainy spring day we decided to go on a movie date with our friend Freddy. 

The kids loved it. Well, they did great the first hour and then were walking around the theater the last hour. Thankfully it was empty but still pretty embarrassing because Freddy sat through the whole movie and he's younger than my kids. We'll see if we ever visit a movie theater again. 

Freddy was being so sweet to Annie wanting to give her hugs and hold her hand. 

Since the kids did ok, I decided to take them out to dinner since we don't do that much. We'll I remembered why we don't go out to eat. Everyone ended up in a melt down. Thankfully Mike had joined us right as everyone was falling apart and helped me clean up Annie's spilt drink and all of her chips she threw on the floor. 

That's what I get for thinking they had some more socializing in them. Annie didn't even make it home. She has stopped napping (As of March 2024) and she's always tired by 5pm but I definitely won't let her nap that late or she'll be up all night. 

Annie kept yelling at me the other day as we were walking out to get David and I couldn't understand her. Turns out she wanted me to wear my glasses like her. Haha! She's such a crack up! 

Matching glasses girls. 

She is so dang cute with her glasses. 

She just turned 2 last month but she is becoming so independent. She goes potty in the toilet, eats in the barstools and has started putting her own clothes on. Except sometimes she gets them twisted and needs help from big brother. 

David is literally the cutest helping his little sister out. 

Annie's cuteness is out of his world. 

Her hair is long enough to be pulled back and I gave her a little hairdo. 

She kept saying "Ouchies" haha! I think I pulled her hair back too tight LOL

Too cute! She loves to take her pictures

I love her silly personality! 

She is just so cute! 

I registered her for a class at the library. I noticed she doesn't love playing with kids very much so that means I probably have to take her out more often. 

And then, I got to read a book in David's class for Read-A-Thon week. 

These kids are so fun and so exhausting. I can still carry them but maybe not for long. Especially David. He is getting so big and heavy. I better carry him for as long as possible. 

The kids were fighting so I made them hug and Annie wanted to join in on the hug.