Monday, August 31, 2020

We made it through August

We finished off our first month of virtual learning. So far it's been going pretty good. Lilah doesn't really like it when they are just reading songs or books, but we both enjoy doing the crafts the teacher sends home. 
Once a month I drive by the school and pick up a month's worth of activities to do at home. It's awesome. I love that there's a schedule to follow and that they have units and the teacher cuts out and prepares all of the crafts for us to do at home. 

(Lately I've been making these little family snacks where the kids will snack out of. They always eat out of my plate anyways)

I LOVE when Lilah uses her imagination. It usually involves her making a huge mess but I love seeing her play. Even though it feels like the messes never stop. 

Had to get a close up of Lilah's beautiful eyes. 

Lilah draws the cutest self portraits. She drew this all on her own. 

We have been getting creative with at home activities. I don't want my kids watching movies all day or being in front of screens all the time so we try to play outside as much as possible. 
Here I made bubbles on their water table. Lilah is naughty and loves opening up the water full blast so she made way more bubbles than I had planned on. 

David wanting some hearing aids like Lilah. He feels left out not having hearing aids like her. 

This little lawn mower is David's favorite. Here is Lilah being a butt and getting in his way. He loves going around in circles in our backyard. 

Lilah loves playing mommy. She told me to move out of the way because she wanted to take David out of his seat. 

Love these two so much!

I love when they play together. I found them playing in Lilah's closet. It's their favorite hide out spot. Lilah will put her Cubby in front of the closet so David can't get out. She loves forcing him to play with her. 

One of the things I love about having preschool at home is David learning along with Lilah. He makes it very challenging because Lilah already has a hard time paying attention plus David distracting her or crying or climbing all over us, but when he sits nicely it's the best

He's been learning right along with her. He is even starting to say so many words lately. I'm hoping they both learn to talk at the same time. Lilah can't know less words than her 1 year old brother. 

I think I forgot to take pictures last month, so here are August's pictures. I feel like he grew up so much this past month. He just seems so tall to me. I love my sweet David so much. 

He is such an easy going kid. He is always happy. 

He is the best little sleeper and always wakes up so happy. He has also perfected his fake cry just to get some extra snuggles. 

If it wasn't for Lilah always fighting with him and taking his toys, he would play happily all day. 

Lilah wanted a monthly picture too. 

Lilah takes her bossy big sister roll pretty seriously. She told me not to push David because she was going to push him. 

Lilah following along with her teacher online and drawing a rainbow. 

I love when she gets to do crafts at home. This is something that I don't like doing on my own so I am glad we get to do it through school. Usually it takes alot of work to do these kinds of crafts and my kids will only enjoy it for a minute. But since I don't have to prepare anything, I can just sit back and enjoy. 

Lilah decided to do school under the table. Whatever makes her pay attention! 

Naughty Lilah took one of my lipsticks and drew on the walls. Here she is cleaning it. 

The other night she brought her school lap top to me and asked if she could do school. She doesn't show it sometimes but I think she is really enjoying school and atleast seeing her little friends through a screen. 

Another perk of online school, you can lay down in the middle of class. 

Doing a duck activity. She decided she wanted to switch things up and do it on the wall. 

And then she changed her mind and decided to go under the table. 

Following along with the activity as her teacher read the 5 Little Ducks story. 

I love that they can go and play outside for recess. These kids are so lucky to have such a fun house full of toys. 

Laying on the hammock for second recess. 

Lilah was tired the other day. She actually took a nap. Then she woke up and found me working on our bathroom floor and fell back asleep on my lap. Mike was able to move her to her room successfully and she kept on sleeping. She was one tired girl!

David loves helping me load the dryer. He is the cutest, sweetest little helper. 

The kids watching dad at work. 

I love Lilah's independence. Most of the times it gets her in trouble but atleast I appreciate her wanting to do things on her own. This day she climbed up on the pantry and brought me bread and peanut butter to make her  sandwich. She ended up doing it all by herself. Love this cute little Miss Independent. 


Monday, August 24, 2020

Extra naughty Preschooler

Here's a little "before" picture of our bathroom. I hope that it does not take us too long to get the "after"

David has found his love for popsicles. He will point to the freezer and wants me to open it so he can get himself a popsicles. 

Lilah continue to like her virtual preschool class. Some days she refuses to sit in front of the screen. She enjoys doing crafts more than sitting and singing songs. 

Lilah wants to be just like the baby some days. She will cry like David to get attention or she will copy what he does. Like right here she is rubbing her nose with her blanket like David while sucking on his binky. 

Lilah has been extra naughty this month. She gets into trouble multiple times a day. She is always making messes. She wastes no time when I am not around. Here is David helping her clean up the mess she made. 

It took her a while but I made her put all of the shoes back. 

They are not up the way I would want them to be but atleast she put them all back. 

This is David's favorite toy right now. He loves the lawn mower. I like to give him a break from the diapers and have him go free. He does not mind it at all. 

Lilah sometimes is overcome with deep sleep while she is doing her virtual preschool class. 

David and his beloved lawn mower. 

Another day of Lilah being naughty. I don't know why she loves making messes. She can't be alone at all. This is not a fun mess to wake up to in the morning. 

I made her clean up her own mess once again. 

But then she'll do cute things like unload the dishwasher all on her own. 

The only moment she sat still was when she strapped herself down in David's chair for preschool class. 

Lilah waiting to see her speech therapist. We see the speech therapist every friday at 1. We were able to leave David at home with a sitter this week so I could do 1:1 time with Lilah. Some days she does ok and other day she is not the most cooperative. I wished she wasn't so stubborn so that she could learn to talk already. 

David holds his babies so nicely, it's so cute! 

I love my baby holding his babies. 

The ice cream truck came around and we were able to score some popsicles. Lilah gave David hers so he was double dipping here. 

I cut Lilah' bangs. She was definitely do for a trim. Her hair has been growing so quickly these days. 

Lilah helping me cook dinner. 

She also helped me make cinammon rolls. Not from scratch because the babies don't let me take more than 15 minutes in the kitchen without asking to be held or needing me to do something for them. 

They were delish. 

One big thumbs up from Lilah. 

David wasn't feeling good this day. He had a low grade fever and wasn't feeling very well. Here he is helping me make a green smoothie. We are trying to eat more fruits and veggies during this pandemic