Sunday, November 20, 2022

Texas Independence Day

Mike's niece Julia Brown was going to be baptized and we were able to go and visit for the big occasion. 
The flights from Las Vegas were super cheap so we decided to drive out there and fly to Texas from Las Vegas. The kids were pretty good on the way there. We actually go to Las Vegas a little bit early and while we waited for our flight we went and looked around at Ross. Lilah found these cute suit cases for both of them and they were pretty sad we couldn't take them with us. Thankfully a picture of the suitcases made it all better. 

We had packed plenty of entertainment for the drive and the flight. The kids ofcourse got pretty wiggly while we waited to board so they ran around the airport. 

I was anxious to get on the plane already even though I know the plane ride would be hard. 

David ofcourse was the most well behaved. He was on across the isle from us and just sat there watching a show and eating his snacks like a big kid. 

David, you are the easiest most well behaved kid ever! 

Annie was pretty good too. She took a little snooze which definitely helped. 

We got there the day before the baptism and my sister in law, Katie went and picked us up. We hadn't told Karin that we were going so it was a total surprise. Jill let us stay at her house. 
It was fun to surprise everyone as we walked into the baptism.

The kids had a blast at Jill's house. They loved playing with cousin Joseph's toys and had so much fun swimming. 

I loved watching David and Joseph play. Cousins are the best. 

Here they are being naughty in the shower getting shampoo everywhere, hehe! 

David enjoying the beautiful view behind Jill's house. 

In the evening, we all walked outside and watched the firework show happening over the lake. Jill came out with ice cream bars and popsicles for everyone. She is definitely a great host!

The next day we went to church with Jill. Lilah was wearing a Stars dress and Lucy was wearing a Stripes dress. They coordinated perfectly for Independence day! 

After church, everyone came over to Jill's house for dinner and games. 

Then we went on a family walk around the lake. 

The kids had a blast

It was such a beautiful evening. The Browns, Righters, Markhams, Stouvenels, and Stewarts were all there. 

The next day we had more delicious food. Seriously our Stewart cousins sure know how to have a good time! 

We were so sad to leave. Just look at this cousin hug. My kids seriously have the best cousins! 

Luckiest kiddos! 

Go to sleep Annie! Hehe

We made it to Las Vegas. The kids LOVE going on planes and David is constantly asking to stay at the hotel that's like 5 miles from our house

Little travelers. After we made it back to Las Vegas, it was time to head back home. 

When we got home, my neighbors had borrowed our front yard to put a bounce house. It was fun to come home to that. 

All of our neighbors were outside and had, had a get together. The kids had a good time with the neighborhood friends. 

It was an unforgettable Fourth of July! 


Father's day

Annie usually takes a while to fall asleep, but daddy always has the magic touch. Especially during church. He's on Annie duty. 

Cutest little burrito. I was released from primary as the second counselor and was able to join Mike in Sunday school for the first time in forever (As the Frozen song says)

The kiddos all matched for Fathers day this year. 

We got home and took a picture in front of the stairs. So fun to see how big the kids have grown in just 1 year. 

Daddy rolled Annie's dress all the way up to her chest, Daddy!

Then we made some treats to celebrate our favorite daddy. 

It was a fun day. The kids gave Mike his gifts which was a hilarious "All about daddy" sheet. According to David daddy loves to say "Cupcakes" and loves to eat "Beans and cheese" Lilah made one for school as well, it was pretty funny. 

Our Annie girl just keeps growing and we just keep loving her. She is such a ham. 

David and I made some popsicles. 

I think this means they turned out yummy. 

Lilah thinks they were yummy too. 

Annie girl is getting big enough for the kids to push her around. She loves it. 

Butter boy

Annie enjoying the swing at the park

Hello Annie! 

For the first "Big" outing with just me and the kids, I took them to an indoor playground place. 

It's so nice that the kids are getting older that I don't have to climb into the jungle gym with them and they can just play while I supervise from far away. 

The kids had a great time playing while I held and fed Annie. 

We ended the day by grabbing lunch at In N Out, one of our favorite fast-food places. We don't really eat out much so it's such a treat to go out and get some food without having to prepare anything or clean up. 

Annie girl has gotten better about rolling around. Except for the fact that she sleeps in our bed and rolls around as soon as she wakes up. 

Our sweet baby girl. 

David love to go to the library. We usually go every Tuesday with our neighbor friend. 

Lilah loves her baby sister so much. 

I hope they always have a close bond. 

Lots of kisses for baby sis. 

The other day the kids came to my work place because I forgot my breast pump. How cute is this little bunch?

Lilah doing her Lilah thing. Not a day goes by that she does not destroy our house. 

Making tortillas with dad. So yummy to eat with home made beans. 

Lilah is always wanting to hug Annie. Any time she even thinks about crying, the kids run over to her and give her anything she wants. 

The girls sleep the same, hehe! 

Annie is finally big enough to touch the floor in her jumper now. 

David making bubbles to give me a minute to do some homework. 

Yummy chubby Annie rolls. 

I love this little boy so much. I love that he still fits in my lap. I will be so sad when he gets too big for this. He is the prettiest sleeper too. 

Lilah asked for a manicure. It was an easy yes. 

Life has been busy but good. The days are long but the months seem to be flying. I'm just enjoying their tiny faces as much as I can and try to cuddle them in between all of the messes and sticky fingers.