Saturday, February 11, 2023

Beach day

We love the library so much. They have so many fun activities for kids and David and Annie always have a great time. 

It also helps that we live within walking distance to the library. 

Annie has been loving it more now that she's gotten older. 

My mom was able to come for Annie's birthday party. We got her a ticket and went and picked her up at the airport. Since it was in LA, we left the house early to avoid traffic and we had dinner in LA at In N Out. 
I had an interesting experience there. The restroom was locked so we were waiting for the person to open the door so it could be our turn. When the door finally opened, three girls came out giggling and the smell of candy filled my nostrils. I knew they had been vaping. The three girls went and joined their other friends at the table and it made me so sad for them. I was always blessed with great friends. Even if people were drinking, I never drank or did any kind of drugs and have never smoked. I am so thankful I was never pressured to. 
It was just a bunch of teenagers with no adults around. I thought about Lilah. About her being a teenager and possibly not wanting me around anymore. About the types of friends she is going to have. I pray so hard that she will have good friends that will help her follow the Gospel. I hope she always knows she is loved and that she never has to be peer pressured into trying anything addictive that could potentially ruin her life. I love my little girl so much it makes me sad to even think about it. 

I didn't like the environment we were in so I took my kids and we ate in the car. We then found a little secluded spot by the beach and I watched the sunset and my kids play in the sand. They love the sand. 

The other day, David reminded me "Mom, we haven't been to the beach in a long time!" I love how much he loves it. 

Annie was a fan too. She ate as much of it as she could. 

Lilah and I were laughing at all of the sand on Annie's face. 

We stayed there until it got dark and waited for Abuelita's flight to land. Then we picked her up and headed home. 


1 year old Annie


David is so protective of his baby sister. I can ust hear him say "Mom! Annie is going to fall!"

"Annie, look at the camera!"

And when I was first taking pictures of Annie by herself, he asked me if he could take pictures with Annie. I love how much he loves her. 

Annie was so happy to turn 1. 

Hehe, just kidding she had no idea. Annie really has the best smile. 

And then Lilah asked if she could take a picture with Annie. 


She was giving me the cheesiest faces. So cute! 

I love this picture so much. She made the goofiest face. 

And then I took 100 pictures of my little one-year-old. 

She is still now walking but she likes to pull herself up on furniture. 

Cutie baby girl. We didn't do too much that Wednesday because the kids were being extra naughty and we were going to celebrate on Saturday. We carried on with our day. Annie had fruit and eggs for breakfast. She loves strawberries, oranges, and apples. Sometimes she likes cheerios. It depends on the day. We played. And then she had a nap on mama :) It was a good day. 

Irvine Regional Park


The time has come for Annie to start sleeping in her own bed. Homegirl still wakes up twice at night for the boob and this mama is tired. Her bed is still in our room but at least she has her own place now. 
I'm not sure what kid she is going to share a room with. Lilah wakes up for school at 0600 and we turn the lights on bright in her room so that she will wake up. 
David can sleep through the night, but I don't want Annie waking him up at midnight and then again at 6 in the morning when she usually wakes up. So, who knows when she will leave our room. 

The other day, Annie was at the sitter's and she didn't take a nap. She rarely falls asleep on me so I enjoyed the cuddles. 

I can't remember what David was showing me in my room for this picture. 

A picture of Annie's 6 teeth. The cutest little teeth. She is about to cut two more on the bottom. 

David walking in to Ms. Stacy's preschool. 

It was crazy hair day at school. 

Lilah loving on Annie as always. 

She loves her baby sister too much sometimes, hehe! 

David wanted in on the picture too. 

Lilah and I have been going to the deaf branch in Riverside. I don't know how to sign very well so I don't usually take Annie with me as I need both hands. Anywho, so Lilah got bored and stole my phone. She is too funny with her selfies. 

Someone was interpreting the speaker's talk. She is also the Primary President. She has been teaching me alot about how to advocate for Lilah and telling me that I need to have her switched to a Deaf school. Something I think about every single day. 

Sometimes when I am watching people sign, I get overwhelmed and find myself looking down. I have been taking classes every month but I still need to work on my receptive skills. 

I have been trying to be better about using more sign at home. I need to start teaching David and Annie. 

The kids love going on adventure days. This week we went to Irvine Regional Park. Last year, I won tickets for free bike rentals, train rides, water bikes, and other fun stuff at the park. We have been slowly using all of our tickets. We love this place so much. 

Can you tell little Annie was a big fan of the bike? She thought it was so fun riding in the front. 

The kids and I got on the bike together but I was too much of a tight wad so Lilah asked to go on with dad. 

As always we had a great time. We took lunch and ate it there and let the kids run around until they were too tired and cold. We can't wait to come back!