Saturday, August 3, 2024

Lilah turns 7

We took the kiddos to Legoland this year and they loved it even more than last year. 

I mostly only took videos so I don't have many pictures to share. I've been doing that alot lately. Taking videos versus pictures. I hope that I am able to keep those videos and one day show my kids. I would've loved to have more videos of my childhood. These kids have so many fun experiences that I hope one day they realize what a fun adventure their childhood was. 

They're getting a little bigger so it's fun watching them experience "big kid" rides. Anywho, it was a very fun day! 

Annie playing with Lilah's Barbie. She loves all of Lilah's toys. 

My Valentines decorations. 

I love watching Lilah color or draw. She is so good at it. 

I wish she did it more often, she is the cutest. Here she drew her school with the stairs to the big kid playground included. 

I love quiet mornings and even more when my kids pick up books. I want nothing more than for them to be good readers. 

The kids wearing all of the clothes to go outside as if it was snowing or something. 

Using the bowls that Tio Joel gave us for Christmas. Only 1 bowl was broken and then we put them away and didn't let them use them haha. 

Abuelita came over and gave us more presents. 

Lilah's bus driver gave her like 20 new Barbies. I only let her open a couple because she loses all of the Barbie clothes from one day to the next so she's been opening some every couple of days. 

Annie assisting with the unwrapping. 

After opening presents from Abuelita, it was time to open presents that Lilah got from her birthday party. She was opening presents for what seemed like forever. 

Lots of stuff to color and draw. 

And then we opened family presents. 

This year Lilah had her birthday party at a jumping indoor playground. 

I love that she loves taking pictures! She's so fun

Our neighbors accidentally got the wrong time of the party and showed up late so they came over to deliver Lilah's present. 

After all of the jumping, we had a room upstairs to eat. 

She invited a couple of friends from school and they came which was so fun to meet their families. 

Our neighbor Olivia, Church friend Crsitian, School friend Ezra, then Nizelle's sister?, Nizelle and Natalie from school. 

My siblings all came out to celebrate Lilah's birthday party which is always so sweet of them. 

The kids had the best time running around and could've probably kept going for hours. 

It was such a great birthday party and Lilah had a blast with all of her little friends! Happy 7th birthday Lilah! 


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