Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Before I became a mother I told myself that it would be hard, that I would cry, and that I would be exhausted. I didn't know if I would have the patience for it. I didn't know if I could really be  home with a baby all day. "Won't I get bored?" I thought. "Won't it be lonely?"
The answer is "No." Baby girl you have brought so much joy into my life. You have made being a mom so easy and fun. You are always so happy. You feel my heart with happiness.

Just like you made me fall in love with being pregnant, you have again made me fall in love with being your mother.  
You are such a great baby! You make me laugh and smile. You are so entertaining to watch.

I love to watch you grow and learn new things. You are developing the best little personality.

You are the best part of my day. I love waking up to your big smile. You are such a great sleeper and you are always so happy in the mornings.


I love how you wrap your little finger around me while you eat. I love that special bond we have while I'm feeding you and you hold my hand and stare into my eyes.

I love being home with you, Lilah. There's no place I rather be than by your side. Smelling you. Feeling you breath on me. Watching you sleep. I hope that I'm doing a good job cherishing these small moments while you are a baby, because I never want to forget them!

Indian Canyon Palm Springs

This Monday we headed over to Palm Springs. The day before we had been talking about hikes with a family friend and she recommended the Palm Springs hiking trails which sounded like a good little outing.
I just love the way Lilah smiles at me.
We got there a little bit later than I had hoped so we were able to do as many trails. The canyon was beautiful in a very Indian/Palm springs way with lots of palm trees and desert flowers.

Since we have had a lot of rain, the streams were full and the water flowed through the rocks. I usually love hiking but this time we were more careful because I had Lilah on a sling. This chick didn't want to be in her baby carrier because that meant she couldn't look around. She is such a curious girl!

After a while she decided she didn't want to be in the sling either because she wanted to be moving around. Man she is going to be one curious girl once she can walk!

It was a bit warm. Mike and I tried to keep Lilah as covered as possible. We could've walked deeper into the canyon but I was worried Lilah would get too hot. Maybe next time we can come earlier and explore some other parts of the canyon.

The palm trees were ginormous! I tried to imagine the Indian women with their babies probably strapped the way I had Lilah. Walking around, working, with the older kids playing in the water during the hot days. With all of the commodities that I have, I'm in awe at how hard women used to work for their families making meals and walking miles to get water.

 I guess if we didn't know any better we'd be doing just the same.


I sneaked this picture of Mike and Lilah. Loved the little moment these two were having.


Love you my sweet girl, I can't wait to make so many memories with you!

La Jolla Cove

The countdown for going back to work has started. I'm already anxious. I have loved being home with Lilah. I feel that I have finally got a hold of things and we are finally understanding each other. I know what her little squirms mean and if she is chit chatting for fun or telling me that she's hungry. I keep telling myself that me going back to work means more family trips though, and that makes me feel better.
Since I only have a couple of Mondays left I wanted to go out and do something as a family. I told Michael that I wanted to make a big trip but then decided that there are too many things around SoCal that we still have yet to do. California is so beautiful and diverse, we need to take more advantage of it. At first we were gonna go to Big Bear and spend some time in the mountains but I didn't want to take Lilah to the snow. I was looking up places in San Diego since we haven't been in a while and found La Jolla Cove with all of the seals. I thought it'd be fun to stop by the temple also, but totally forgot they are closed on Mondays.
The weather was beautiful that day. I got nervous when we got close to the ocean because I could see that we were driving towards a bunch of fog. It turned out to be just fine. It was even nicer not to have so much sun.

Lilah was a great sport the whole way there and enjoyed looking around.

It was fun to see the seals just lounging around.


Lilah thinks her fingers are delicious.

I'm loving outings with my little family.

Since Lilah is still little, Mike and I try to stay away from crowds. Although that means we get to miss out on the super fun stuff, it's all worth it to take Lilah with us and keep her healthy during these colder months.

My cute chick snoozing. On the other side of us there was a large crowd. We could hear a woman screaming and when we looked over there was a tiny baby seal with a bunch of people around it. She was screaming from the balcony at everyone to move back and leave the baby alone. People were so insensitive and thought they could pet it and take selfies with the baby. I hope Lilah can grow up and learn to respect nature and animals. It was so sad that people where putting the baby in danger all for a picture.

We walked around a bit and then took off early to go and have dinner with Priscilla. It was a perfect little outing.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

28 years old!

What the what! Where has the time gone. I can't believe it has been almost 10 years since I graduated high school. Looking back at the years, I love my life and the things that I have accomplished. I always thought 30 was old but now that I am getting closer to the big 3-0, I realize that it is the time to enjoy your hard work. We have our house, our family, our careers, now it's time to enjoy it all! I love my life right now! Here's to many more fun, happy, healthy years!

For my birthday Mike sneaked off to a food truck in Beaumont and brought me a breakfast burrito. Then, my mother in law took care of Lilah for a few hours so I could use my massage gift card Mike had given me. When Mike got home from work we went and celebrated at Applebee's. 

We went with Mike's grandparents, Marcia, Tory, and my little family.

I had been craving this lime chicken all day, so yummy!

Then we got home and took some pictures of my Little and I.

She was not interested in pictures :)

She was ready for bed

Love my crazy crew. Happy birthday to me!