Sunday, August 11, 2024

My 35th birthday


It's kind of fun that my mom and I celebrate our birthdays only a few days apart. She had come down to help me with the kids and we got to sing her happy birthday. 

I love that I can still carry my kids. It won't be long until I can no longer carry David. That boy is solid! 

I was so happy that I got to go to David's school and read a book to the class. I didn't tell him because I wanted it to be a surprise and it was so fun to see his little face light up when he saw me walk into the classroom. Ms Westall has given parents opportunities to come in and read and play with the kids and I'm so grateful for that. 

David doing morning circle time in TK with his class. 

Now that both David and Lilah are in school, I'm back to one on one time with my Annie. We love going tot he library. 

She is just the cutest little thing. 

David helping Annie put her clothes on. These two are so cute. 

Annie is in the glasses phase. 

Time for school! 

I took the kids to the movies and they did well enough to where I thought it'd be a good idea to take them out to Chipotle by myself. 

They started off so well and I was so proud of them. That is until Annie through a fit and grabbed her drink and threw it on the floor and then David and Lilah immediately started fighting and I didn't know who to grab first. Thankfully Mike walked in right at that moment and I grabbed Annie and we ran back home. Not doing that again for a while! 

The kids did enjoy the movie except halfway through Annie kept sneaking out and running down the hall and then Lilah kept walking around the entire theater. It was so embarrassing. I wish I had well-behaved kids so I could take them out more often. 

They started off well before it went to poop. We went with our little friend Freddy. 

They're such cute little friends. It was a perfect rainy activity. 

I signed David up for bike club at school. He learned about bike safety and even got a new helmet at the end of the day. 

Annie has hearing aids for her slight hearing loss. She doesn't love wearing them though and likes to toss them wherever she's walking. I swear I'm looking for them most of the day. 

David ready for Dr. Seuss day. 

My brother came over to celebrate my birthday. That was so sweet of him! 

My kids adore Tio Joel. 

My MIL's kitchen is being remodeled but she still brought over dinner for my birthday. 

and cake! Happy 35 years of life to me. I'm grateful for every experience that makes me a little wiser. I think back on my younger self and realize I didn't understand so many things and I was quick to judge. But now I am a little more compassionate after many experiences and look forward to continue to learn new things and make new memories with my little family. 

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