Sunday, August 13, 2023

Family Bike Ride

The kids are into the riding bikes phase of life. Annie loves sitting in her wagon and watching everyone bike away. 

Every time I see someone share a fun place on social media, I always save it and if we are ever close, we stop by to check it out. 

This was the case with this hiking place. I had no idea what to expect but I am so glad we went. 

The trails were perfect for the kids. 

This was the only part that was a little steep. The kids hopped off and pushed their bikes. Mike was a trooper and kept going with Annie in tow. 

There were pretty flowers all along the path. We had to stop to take a few pictures. 

Annie's ride was so relaxing she ended up falling asleep. 

When we were done, we found this awesome family-friendly park at the end of the trail.  

They even had a little book library so we had lunch on the picnic tables and read some books. 

Any time spent with my family is always a great day! 

I found this random picture of Annie. I think Mike must've sent it to me. 

My co-instructor likes to go out to lunch on the last day of clinical. It was yummy!

David is always fancy with his breakfast. This day he ordered home made waffles from the Mom Cafe. 

The kids are so dang independent. Lilah is crazy independent and knows how to do everything and it has rubbed off on David. They were outside playing and I went to check on them. She had gotten out the bike air pump, she grabbed Annie's old bathtub and they had gotten the correct attachment and blown up the bathtub! I swear these kids never play with toys. We have a useless playroom upstairs. 

Annie and David went together for their shots. Annie was 1 year old shots and David needed his pre TK shots. David did not enjoy the shots but he cheered up pretty quickly as soon as they brought the lollipops and stickers out. 

Annie was a happy girl before her shots too. Thankfully she didn't cry for long. 

David being reverent at church with his Hawaiian shirt. 

Or maybe not so reverent. 

Omg, which reminds me. On this day it was fast and testimony meeting. A young woman had watched the kids for me the day before because Mike and I were both working. She watched them for like 6 hours which is a lot. Well, that day she bore her testimony and said she had watched my kids and went "Man!" and made a face. It was beyond embarrassing. I wished my kids were well-behaved and calm but they are nuts. That's why I can't work a lot because I'm always so nervous for the babysitters to be home alone with them. Needless to say, I felt terrible and very embarrassed that she went up and told her testimony about how hard it was to take care of the "Stewart Kids" I definitely never asked her to come back again. 

They look so innocent but Lilah loves to make David mad and David will through a huge fit about it. Lilah will walk past David and stick her tongue out and he will completely lose his mind. I wish they were as sweet and innocent as this picture! If only :)


David graduated from preschool!

My sweet little dude graduated preschool! He says he wants to be spiderman when he grows up :)

A self-portrait. David said his favorite memory is playing with toys at preschool. 

My friend from church has a preschool and David was able to attend. He loved it so much. She always put on the best activities and she also put on a great graduation for them at the church. 

It was fun watching him sing the songs. 

Ms. Stacy said he was a little shy at first and didn't want to wear a hat when he was asked but then he saw his friends do it and he wanted to be like them. 

She also shared he was a great student and loved coloring and did a great job coloring in the lines. David actually gets alot of compliments about how well he colors. He is very meticulous when it comes to coloring. 

The new grad! 

Annie was excited for her big brother. 

Congrats David! I love watching them cross milestones. It's such an honor as a mom. 

David and his friend Colette. 

David with his little best friend from school. 

David and Ms Tricia and Ms Stacy. 

And now some random pics. I love being home with my kids most of the week. I love doing little things like washing the car with them. 

And reading books on the couch. 

I could read books all day if it was up to David. 

We also celebrated our Korean's friend's 1st birthday. 

It was an awsome celebration at Gardenworks. 

The food was delicious! 

Then the kids got to plant a new plant. 

Baby Lincoln is the cutest, happiest baby. 

Annie loves a good cheese face. 

Random pics from dad while I am at work. 

Mike takes them to the funnest places. He finds cool parks and splash pads. 

Annie loves a good bike ride. Love my little girl! She loves watching her big siblings ride their bikes as she gets pushed around. The kids are really on a biking kick right now.