Monday, December 23, 2019

Things are good

I feel like I am finally at a good spot with the babies. 
David has gotten to a spot where he can move around and entertain himself. He loves to play with Lilah's toys. Whatever she is playing with seems to be his favorite toy. We are still learning to share in our house. He will grunt at her and cry if she takes his toys away. It's amazing how he has such big opinions at such a young age. I think this kid might be a little more short tempered than his sister was. We shall see. 

Lately I have felt that I am always behind on house work. Lilah will come up to me to play and I feel like I am always trying to get food ready. Maybe that is why she loves playing with her kitchen so much. Maybe she's always watching her mommy make food. No matter how hard I try, the house is always a mess. I need to figure out a way to keep things more tidy around the house but it's hard to keep up with two little babies who are constantly getting it dirty. I want to learn to let the house go so I can enjoy playing kitchen with Lilah. Afterall, that's her favorite thing to do all day every day. 

I have been loving Lilah's personality lately. She is so funny. Her perseverance amazes me. When I tell her she can't do something, she just finds a way to do it herself. She does not take no for an answer. Here she is opening Christmas presents. Sometimes I tell her no and she tells me "bye" and closes the door so she can go and be naughty. It is so funny I can't help but just let her do it. 

Like for example: I told her just to leave the tag on this bag. She took it into the other room and tried to rip it off. After trying and not succeeding, she ran into the kitchen, opened up the cabinet, grabbed some kitchen scissors, and cut the tag off. Then, when she was done, she through the tag away and put the scissors back where they belonged. I loved watching this all happened before my eyes. She is just so smart!

Oh and home girl loves my phone already. She can get on my phone, open up apps, loves to watch videos, zooms in on photos, and occasionally will buy things online. She loves electronics!

She is always stealing my phone and taking pictures around the house. I get atleast 5 of these pictures on my phone every day. I usually have pictures of the floor, her cute toes, or pictures of her. I love it. 

Lilah loves to help right now. I love it. Except for it's not really help. For example: I cleaned the window and after I was done she wanted to "clean" the window too. I gave her a spray bottle and a paper towel. She LOVES that spray bottle. She will go around spraying everything with water. I wouldn't mind if she actually wiped it up. She usually gets to use it until she starts spraying her little brother in the face and then it's game over. 

More pictures of Lilah on my phone.  

David is such a big boy these days! He refuses to sit and will turn into a board if I try to sit him on the floor. She will stand on his tippy toes like a little ballerina with his legs as straight as ever. 

He's already trying to pull himself up unto things. He wants to keep up with big sister. 

I love my cute boy. Sometimes sister will play so nicely with him. I love days like that. My kids bring me the biggest joy in life. 

Disney Halloween Party

While we were at the Jonas Brother concert, Mike saw some tickets to a Disney Junior Holiday Party. Mike thought it would be fun to take Lilah and suggested that I take her on a mommy and daughter date. I thought it would be a great way to kick off her 3 year birthday party. 

While we were on our way there Lilah was so whiny and crying the entire way, I was worried that, that was going to be the way she would be the whole time. Thankfully when we finally got there (45 minute drive) she perked up and was excited to be there. 

While we were in line, she even made some little friends. She loves making little friends wherever she goes.

When we got there, I thought we would be hungry later on so we bought some nachos, popcorn, orange juice, and a Reese's bar and went and munched while we waited for the show to start. 

I was holding so much stuff because I had left the diaper bag at the sitter's, so I asked Lilah to hold her little bucket of popcorn. I was so proud of her for being so careful and walking slowly so she wouldn't dump her bucket over. 
She looked so cute sitting there with her long pig tails. Her hair has grown so much this year and I love it! She is looking so much like a 3 year old lately. I can't believe how much her little face has changed this past year. 

When I bought tickets, we made sure to buy some that were in the front because I thought that she would be too little to be engaged in the characters if we were far in the back. The seats were perfect. 

My cute girl. We definitely need to do more mommy and daughter dates together. I loved watching her interact with the kids around her. She kept feeding the kid next to him pop corn. She loves to share her things. Still working on sharing with her little brother though. 

Lilah also loves her independence. She loves to go off and do her own things which makes me sad to think that it'll be like that when she is a teenager and wants to do her own things with her friends. I definitely have to take advantage of these moments when she still "chooses" to play with mommy. 

My happy girl watching the show. She is just so beautiful. I love her sassyness and spunky personality. 

And all of the silly faces she makes. 

I'm so grateful to be her momma. I think I will make it a priority this year to go more on one on one dates with my little Lilah. Nothing brings more happiness in my life than to see her happy. The only thing I ask for every night is for my kids to be healthy and happy. 
Nothing would make me happier than to watch my kids grow up to be friends. I always love those families whose kids all choose to hang out with each other. I hope that I can build a home where Lilah and David choose to be friends and choose family over others. 
I love you my little Lilah and hope that you had a fun time at the Disney Holiday Party!

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Polar Express

The day before we left had been raining. I had passed a man selling flowers and decided to buy them off of him. I left the flowers in my car and gave some to my neighbor. I had 2 more to give out so we decided to leave on on this car and give the other one away. After a month of doing service acts, finding ways to serve has come a lot easier to me. 

This was our third time going to the polar express. We had left a day later than we had anticipated because my sister in law and brother in law were in town and we wanted to hang out with them. We were so glad because it was so nice to be able to visit.  We got there at night, went and left our stuff at the hotel, and went out to explore the little town of Williams since we didn't do that last time. 

They had this cute photo op in the middle of town so we decided to take some family pics. It was so cold! I took David out of his seat for the picture and then bundled him back up. 

I asked Lilah to show me her mittens and she posed like this. Oh my heavens she is cute!

We walked around hoping to find a bakery for some treats and hot chocolate but there were only so souvenier shops around. 

It was super chilly out so after taking pictures, we decided to go back to the hotel and warm up. 

The next day we went to the grand canyon. 

I wasn't sure I wanted to go since I have always wanted to see the north side, but I am glad Mike convinced me. It was so beautiful. 

I couldn't believe how grand and majestic it was!

The views were incredible. 

To think that a rock can be molded like this by air and water over a long period of time is just incredible. 

Lilah had gotten sick the night before and she just wanted mom to carry her the entire way. Not dad. Mom. She is such a mama's girl! I had to take this "real life" picture to show her in case she thought she was the perfect child later on in life. 

Mom is so mean to make her walk with her own two legs. 

And David as always just being so chill and content. Specially because he was being carried. 

These views were just incredible. 

Lilah enjoyed the bus ride back to the car. The grand canyon had paved trails and buses that can take you to each outlook. I loved it! It was so kid friendly. 

Before we headed out we made the loop to see the view points accesible by car.  Every stop was incredible. I could've sat there and stared all day. It was about 37 degrees but the sun felt so warm. It was such a beautiful day. 

Later that night we boarded the polar express. We had gotten there as soon as they started boarding. I was so scared we were going to miss the train but we made it just in time. 

Lilah wasn't feeling herself and had just woken up from a nap so she was a little more serious than normal. 

She still loved all of the lights and songs and the story. 

David couldn't get enough of the lights. He kept looking around. 

Lilah wasn't interested in the hot chocolate but she did enjoy her cookie. 

David kept trying to steal her cookie. Silly David!

Lilah wasn't sure about Santa until he gave her a little bell. That made her really happy. 

It was so hard to take pictures in a moving dimly lit train, but here's the best ones I got. 

After the ride, we went back to the hotel and warmed up with some hot cocoa. 

And a picture of our Mommy and Babies shower. 

Lilah wasn't so sure about the picture but she never lets me shower alone anymore. She could take showers and baths all day if I let her. She loves playing in the water. 

I think I get atleast 5 of these a week. Usually it's of Lilah's eyes or her toes. So funny!