Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Apple Picking

In November we went to walk around in one of our favorite places. We love this little spot and even more that it is only a few short miles away from our house. 

We made it a couple of minutes before they closed down the apple orchards and the kids had a great time picking their own apples off the tree. 

David needed a little help from daddy picking apples off the tree. We kept having to remind him not to pick the ones that were on the floor already but he still snuck some in. 

Love my little babies. 

David loves to pay any opportunity he gets. 

After picking up some apples, we went and walked around the ranch. The school house was open so the kids ran around with a little friend they made. 

It was such a beautiful day. 

Cheese from David

These two can be the best of friends some days. I love when they play so well together. 

They closed the ranch at 5pm but the kids wanted to keep playing so we stopped at the park on our way home. The kids had already started working on their apples in the car. They were so crispy and juicy!

It was a beautiful ending to a fun family day

And here are some pictures of silly Lilah who loves making funny faces these days. 

For Sondra's birthday, the kids helped me make her some cupcakes. 

Then we went over and surprised her with a treat and a candle. 

When we got home I realized someone had posted a small little bike with training wheels. They said it was free and would leave it on the curve for anyone to pick it up. It was small enough for my Lilah girl and bonus points for it being Frozen. I hopped in the car and went and picked up the bike. Her grandma got her a strider bike and she has done so well on it the past few years so we decided to immediately take off the training wheels. She has been asking to drive it around the kitchen every day. She is getting better and better each time. 


Farewell Mwamwa

Lilah asked me to take a picture of her eating her noodles and then made this face. 

This little girl's silly personality is starting to shine. She is constantly making funny faces. She is so creative and is always making messes around the house to create her forts. 

David is the silliest and is constantly making me laugh. I love his personality so much. He tends to be shy around others but lets his silliness shine when he is at home or around people he is comfortable with. 

In September the kids got to watch Grandma and Papa give talks in Stake Conference. They thought it was pretty cool to see grandma on the screen. 

We also went to the doctor and let me tell you, moms who take multiple kids to the doctor at once deserve some type of reward. Trying to keep them entertained so they don't breath everything is quite the chore. 

In September we went to little Freddy's first birthday party. We love having Beaumont friends. My coworker and I started working in Neurology ICU as new grads and it's been so fun to grow our littles families together. 

We also said our farewells to grandma. Lilah didn't really understand the concept of grandma leaving but she finally understands that she doesn't live in her old house anymore. For a while, she was confused asking where grandma was sleeping. I guess she finally got that grandma is away because she tends to call her on the phone instead of asking to go to her house. 

This little girl sure loves her Mwamwa!

And so does David. 

Pictures with Papa

We went over to Sondra's house to take her a treat and as always, Lilah ended up bringing home a new toy. 

Had to take a picture of the kids fighting while I worked on a school paper. Both wanted to be in the same exact spot I guess. 

Our friends came over and surprised us with caramel popcorn. People are the sweetest! It reminds me how an easy act of kindness can mean such a big thing for other people. Sometimes the simplicity of it steers us away from doing it but yet if we follow through, it can make someone's whole night. 

A little bumpdate from clinical. 

Daddy woke up early on conference morning to make us crepes. I'm not much of an early riser so I am thankful that Mike is. He is a "Can't sleep after 8 hours" kind of person. I'm more of a, I'll sleep until I must absolutely get out of my comfortable bed type of person. Good thing we married each other. 

The babies making their own crepes. Such a fun tradition that gets passed down to the next generation. 

So yummy!

I love conference mornings. I love it even more now that we get to share it with our little people. Love this cute family of mine.