Saturday, August 3, 2024

Polar Playground

Matching outfits brought to you by Abuelita

I love when they match! 

Mike got called in so we celebrated New Years without him! I'm getting used to doing things without him since he's always at work so it's just me and the kids most of the time. 

I used the curtain to put balloons in and then let it go and let the balloons fall on the kids. They loved it! 

We also had a yummy dinner of ham and veggies. 

They were fans

Lilah loves to put plates and forks on the table. She makes it look so fancy. 

A monster truck that Abuelita and Abuelito got David for Christmas. 

Snackboard for the kiddos to celebrate New Years

Annie loves to put on clothes by herself. But, sometimes it's backwards. This is probably my new favorite picture of her haha! 

It makes me giggle. Oh Annie, you definitely bring JOY to our lives that's for sure! 

My sister in law came down from Northern California and my kids loved their cousin time! 

Lilah opens presents all December long it seems like. 

I love watching my kids read books. They just look so calm and cute. 

David reading to Annie. 

And then some cuddles. I love when they are being so cuddly and kind to each other! 

We were invited to my friend's kid's birthday party at the LOL kids club. 

I kept having to crawl inside because Annie was all over the place. 

They had a great time. 

The kids got to go with their cousins to downtown Disney and have dinner. 

Here I am with an old co-worker at RUHS. I love running into old friends. 

Our primary. I am still the second counselor in the primary. I'll be excited to be released but never look forward to a new calling. 

My kids never fall asleep on the high chair so this is a rare sight. Annie must've played really hard. 

Lilah looking cute ready for school. 

The stuff I find in Lilah's room. Underwear, socks, and chocolates. 

My little David and I on our way to TK. 

I thought this was funny. The sign says "Frozen Mexican" hehe

Lilah started going to activity days this year. She loves it so much. I wasn't sure if she should go but she turns 8 this year so even if she turns 8 the second to last day of the year, she was still able to attend. I'm glad she is able to make cute friends. She has a great time and loves it. 

Just another typical day with Annie. 

Lilah is always asking me to take a picture. 

My delicious lunch. I always pack a lunch. Sometimes I tell myself that i'll buy food but there's always food at home haha. Now that I'm an adult I realize how expensive food is and it's hard to waste it on take out. Food is going to be even more expensive for my kids when they are older which is scary. 

Annie loves playing with the baby dolls at the library. 

If the kids are being mean to each other I make them hug. It usually works and they end up giggling. 

The kids and I set out on an adventure to LA. I wish Mike was around more but we work opposite schedules so that someone is always with the kids so I don't see him much. 

We found a super cute library to explore in.

They had a huge fish tank, ipads, games, books. It was so interactive! 

After exploring, we went out and played at the pond. I love spending time and making memories with them more than anything in the world. 

Then we finished off the night at In N Out. It's so much work to be out with them on my own but I love to explore. 

After In N Out we went to check out this cotton candy place that looked cool. 

We got a cotton candy unicorn and the kids even watched them make it. 

It was a really fun process to watch. 

Picture from Mike. He also takes the kids on adventures when I'm at work. It's so much easier than them being at home making a huge mess or fighting all day. 

Papa also gave us a scare. He was having chest pain and almost had a heart attach. He ended up with a quadruple bypass and had to stay at the hospital for a while. We went and visited him and brought dinner and David read the kids Book of Mormon to grandma and taught her the week's Come Follow Me Lesson. 


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