Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Baby Emersyn

Lilah and I met up with Schyler to meet her newest little girl. 

We went to our favorite Thai house and had lunch. 

Hehe poor Emersyn I forgot how to hold a newborn. 

Lilah loved the baby and kept petting her little legs. 

Congratulations Schyler!

8th Anniversary weekend

For our anniversary this year, Mike bought tickets to the Blue Man group. We have talked about going for years and decided to finally go check them out. 

Half the fun of going to Las Vegas is going to visit our Castillo cousins. 

Lilah loved playing with her little cousin Xander and pushing him around in his chair. 

We went to church with them on Sunday and it was officially Lilah's first time in nursery. 

I stayed in there with her though, so not sure you can really count it. 

After church we went home and Alex and Marsix made us kabobs and mexican corn. Later on the girls got into their swimsuits and played in the water. 

They loved it. And the weather outside was perfect for playing in the pool. 

Lilah being silly in the water. 

The next day Marsix and Alex went to work and we decided to go have a little fun. 

First we started by having lunch at the buffet. 

Then we took Lilah to the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef. 

They had a little penguin exhibit and Lilah liked playing with the lights. 

Next we went to see the fish. 

Cool looking alligator. I kind of felt bad for the animals. I remembered why I don't like to go where they keep animals trapped for entertainment. 

She loved looking at the fish. 

Checking out the sharks. 

Look at them go!

In the afternoon my aunt watched Lilah for a bit while Marsix got home from work. 

Michael and I had dinner at yet another buffet, hehe!

After the buffet we walked over to see the show. The girl at the front stopped us on our way in and asked if it was just the two of us. We said yes, and she said they would upgrade our seats if we agreed to be on camera for a couple of seconds. She said we didn't have to say or do anything. We had to sit there and wait for 20 minutes for after the show had started. Then a guy came and grabbed us and we were to follow him. He said, "ready?" and then we started walking after him and the Blue Men were shining lights at us while the speakers said "Late comers, late comers, late comers!" And the guy escorted us to our new seats. It was SO embarassing! EVERYONE was looking at us as we made our way to our seats. Not sure if that was worth the seat upgrade. I'm like but we were here EARLY! haha!

The show was fun, we had a good time. 

After the show we were able to take a picture with the guys. 

It was a fun night. 

The next day we made our way back home and enjoyed the rest of the day chilling at our house. 
While unpacking I noticed Lilah had put on the camera and was pushing buttons on the camera while putting it up to her face. 

Later on she tore a peace of toilet paper off, blew her nose, threw it in the toilet, and then flushed it. I couldn't believe what she was doing. She is such a good observer of everything that I do. 

It was a fun weekend but we are happy to be home and enjoy some more of these summer days.