Saturday, January 13, 2024

Grandma and Papa are home!

The day has finally come when Marcia and Doug have arrived home from their mission.

The kids were so excited!

It's so crazy to think that we survived without them for 2 years. It was definitely a mission blessing. 

We were all watched over while they were in Netherlands. I was so worried about finding someone to watch my kids and somehow I always found help. It was a little miracle every time. 

I felt at peace knowing we were being blessed while they were away serving the Lord. I can't imagine how much they are missed. I bet they were the best senior missionaries. 

The kids made this cute poster for them

A couple of Doug's kids and Marcia's kids were able to make it to their home coming. 

Lilah was SO excited to have grandma back! I love how they have a special connection. She sure loves her grandma! 

She even had to sit next to her at dinner. 

Aunt Elizabeth was so sweet and brought the kids these coloring boxes. They were in coloring heaven. I thought it was so sweet of her to think of my kids. 

I love nothing more than watching my kids play nicely together. 

I love how little Annie just fits perfectly right in to our bunch. 

Lilah hates brushing her teeth. She will act like we are trying to kill her every time it's time to brush teeth at night. Hence, she got her first cavity. I was super nervous that she would not sit still even with the gas, but to my surprise she did great! 

Here she is with her gross silver tooth, haha!  I tell David that if he doesn't brush his teeth, he'll have silver teeth like Lilah. 

Annie has been showing interest in potty training. She is so funny walking around the house in her undies. She usually walks around the house without wearing anything because she'll have accidents if she wears underwear. She looks so cute even when she has a wedgie. 

Annie helping out with chores. 

Toddler time at the library

One of the stations was nutrition and they had blue berries. Annie kept coming back for more. I had to cut her off after a couple of come backs, hehe! 

We invited grandma and papa over for dinner. If I didn't have to clean up after myself, I would cook fancy dinners every night. 

Lilah drew grandma and even got the correct colors of her shirt. Lilah has been big on coloring lately. 

Mike did Lilah's hair. I was pretty impressed. Especially because it wasn't two pigtails. 

A yummy dinner led to a yummy lunch at work.