Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Back to church!

After almost a year, we were finally able to go back to church. 

All of the little ones were so big. Everyone kept commenting how big David was. He was still napping in his carseat the last time we went. 

Lilah loved being able to sit with grandma again. We definitely missed singing. There is still no singing aloud and we still do Zoom for those who wish to stay home. And it is still only an hour long. The Sacrament is at the very end and once it's over we are all dismissed home. 

We also go in through one door and go out the other. At the end of the session we are given disinfecting wipes and are to wipe down our area and chairs we used. It is definitely different and I miss the old times. I definitely wished David would be able to do Nursery because I know he would love it. 

But definitely a day to remember. 

When we got back from church, Lilah asked me to take pictures of her. Ofcourse! 


She is not looking much like a baby these days. 

She asked to wear a necklace like mommy too. 

Lilah playing her banjo just like the video of The Piano Guys. 

And then she switched to the piano. What a talented musician! 

David LOVES dinner at grandma's.

I never see him eat so much unless we are at grandma's house then he can't stop eating. 

We got to celebrate Walt's birthday. Doug made a birthday cake for him. 

No blowing out the candles during COVID Lilah!

It's so nice to be able to get ready some times. 

Priscilla got me a facial for Christmas and my face was glowing! 

So nice to be pampered and have some alone time. 

Lilah girl always getting into things. She has been into shredding everything with scissors these days. We try to hide them and she always finds them. There's always confetti in our house. I don't think there will be any book left untouched by the end of this year. So many papers, books, and things have been shredded up by this little girl. 

Look at her. She can't reach down when she drops her water bottle and has me grab it for her. But what about when she wants to get the scissors that daddy put up high so she wouldn't get to them? She can definitely find a way to get to those

Love watching Lilah and David play in their room together. It always comes with a messy price though. 

We lost Lilah's 1st pair of hearing aids and then we lost her second pair. I was distraught! I looked all day and then finally I asked Lilah to say a little prayer with me and ofcourse we found them in 30 minutes. Those little boogers are $7K and now i'll have to get her a second pair yet again, sigh. 

David's nursery teacher dropped off some treats for him. So thoughtful! 

He loved it! 

Lilah burrito! 

These kids love their blankets

David copying his dad

So dang cute!


You are just too cute David! 

Waiting for my patient to arrive down in the ED. 

Love the dinners Mike makes me before going to work. 

The girls brought a cake to celebrate March birthdays. So sweet!

Lilah made star cookies out of playdo and really wanted me to put them in the oven. 

These kids and their babas

Lilah doing a cute craft for class. 

Her teacher really goes above and beyond with her cute crafts. 

Lilah was going to start a new school for the Deaf. She needed a physical. She was all smiles until it was time for shots, hehe! 

Lilah taking a picture of the "No Pictures" sign, haha! 

These two are crazy together. I was trying to make dinner and they completely destroyed Lilah's room making their own slide. 

Crazy monkeys. 

My kids better appreciate the beautiful breakfasts I make them. 

Will never get over how cute they look crafting together. 

Gus saying, "help me! these kids are crazy!"

Lilah's last day of school at Palm Innovation Academy. Ms. Sarah has been the absolute best during this COVID year of online preschool. She has made it so easy by sending the cutest crafts and lessons that were easy to follow. 

Here I am after saying my good byes to Lilah's teacher. I didn't think I would get so emotional! We both almost started crying, haha! We will sure miss her very much. 

Oh you know just another day of trying to go to the bathroom by myself. 

But i'm a mom. 

At least they're cute to look at while I go to the bathroom. 

And Tia Priscilla visited. Lilah loves her Tia Prisy! It was so fun having her here. 

Random picture Lilah took of David. I am so scared that one day she is going to take a naked picture of me and upload it to the internet. My worst nightmare!