Saturday, January 7, 2023

Hello 2023!

They say December birthdays get jipped, but Lilah gets three birthday celebrations every year and that doesn't sound too bad. 
For her 6th birthday, Lilah got sourdough funfetti pancakes, bacon, and eggs. She said she wanted to blow out a candle so we sang to her before sitting down for breakfast. 

David wanted to blow out a candle too. 

Annie opening up a present from Tia Priscilla. Minnie Mouse jammies. 

Little Miss Independent 6-year-old scooping out some eggs for me. We went to BJs restaurant last week and I told them they needed to act fancy. Well, it must've been a fun experience for Lilah because she wanted to play restaurant today and she kept telling me to be "fancy" haha! 

She kept telling me to sit down and eat! Haha, I wonder where she gets that from. 

A tangerine, salad, toast, and some left over egg (She ate most of the egg I made myself for breakfast hehe)

Uncle Matt is getting married. We did a little trial run for the girls' dresses. They look cute! 

Lilah always has a choke hold on Annie. Annie screams as soon as Lilah gets close, haha! 

I don't watch much TV but when I do, I enjoy watching medical shows. I guess it's rubbed off on my kids. This is how they wanted to play tonight. 

And this is what they were playing by themselves. 

David was a little bit too good at acting haha! He was cracking me up. 

See, she's always got that choke hold on Annie. 

We celebrated the New Year in our home, my favorite way to do life right now. Just us. My little family. Everything I coud ever want all in one little frame. 

Annie wasn't sure about that apple cider. 

But then she kept going in for more. 

We did a little ball drop for the kids. 

They kept asking for us to do it over and over. 

Look at their excited faces.

All from a couple of balloons. I know i'm going to miss them being little so much! 

Sunday fell on January 1st this year. Thankfuly we had celebrated with the East Coast at 9pm. I was worried about making it to church at 9am but realized that we switched times and we would not have to be there until 1030 this year! It worked out because Mike was on call and he got called in. He usually wakes me up when breakfast is ready (Isn't that great!) on Sundays but I had to get the kiddos ready on my own this day. 

David was a little bit worried because it was his first day being in Primary. We had talked about it and he was excited but got a little nervous the day of. I sat with him, and Lilah sat with us also. (That kid never wants to sitdown with her class)

I also had Annie with me and was getting a little frustrated that Lilah was trying to sit on my while Annie was fussing and David didn't want to let go of my arm. When they were distracted, I snuck out to nurse Annie, and when I came ack they were sitting down together and David was listening to the chorister. 

Lilah will be naughty and not go to her designated class hardly ever, but I thought it was cute how she held his hand from Primary all the way into his Sunbeam class. 

She can really be the best big sister when she wants to be. 

My friend Julia moved into our ward not too long ago and will be his Sunbeam teacher. 

He was so proud of the little crown he made. No more nursery for David! 

Lilah wanted a picture too. Let's see if she decides to go to her class next week. She usually doesn't sit during Primary like the rest of the kids either. She'll just be wondering around and goes to whatever class she pleases. She's so sassy. 

For New Year's eve I made a charcuterie board for us with all kinds of treats. I guess the kids liked it because I kept finding Lilah making her own charcuterie boards, haha! 

For Chrsitmas the kids got games. They got Candyland. I remember Walt playing with the grandkids and putting actual candy on the board. I thought it'd be fun for the kids to have this game and they have been palying with it ever since. 

Lilah is all about spelling. She has been doing great with her reading and now keeps asking me to spell of her her friend's names. 

She has been home from school for about 3 weeks now. The first week, the kids mostly fought and I thought I was going to go crazy but the last 2 weeks have been so nice. They have played in the playroom and done activities and stayed msotly out of trouble. 

Annie keeps finding me wherever I am. She will come find me while I am in the bathroom and then I can't get the door opened. Thankfully Lilah came to my rescue so I could get out. Annie loves to play with the toilet brush. That naughty Annie! 

Annie turned 11 months! In just a few short weeks she will be 1 year old! 

Just the happiest, sassiest little girl. We love our baby sister. 

I also made my first delicious roast ever. I have trying to cook more this past year and it's been fun learning new things. My roast never really comes out as delicious as Marcia's so I was excited that this was actually good. I even made the salsa from scratch to pour over the roast. I've been enjoying it all week. 

These days it feels like all I do is clean. Probably because the kids are home but even when they are not, they sure make big messes. Having a dirty unorganized house is really triggering to me so I try my best to keep it tighty. David wanted to play a board game and I told him as soon as I was done cleaning that I could play and that perhaps he coud help me so I could finish faster. He "helped" me by bringing three bins downstairs from the playroom to put these three balloons in, haha! Oh I sure love him. 

There were a couple more balloons so he found some bags to put them in and then decorated the entertainment center with hanging bags. It's the thought that counts I guess. 

Tia Priscilla got the kids a soap making activity. Here is Lilah making soap. This last week of vacation has been really rainy, which is a bummer that we couldn't go out and do something fun. But, I've also loved getting to be lazy and having nothing to do and nowhere to go. I always get stressed trying to get the kdis out of the house for their activities. You wouldn't imagine how long it takes a little person to put and keep on a pair of shoes. 

She made a unicorn and then was excited to go take a bath with it.

Lilah came up to me with a "present" wrapped in paper and too much tape. She even had a card attached to it. Oh Lilah, that brain of her is always on the go! 

It has been raining and cold all week and the one day that it's sunny and 65 degrees the kids decide to go swimming. All Lilah's idea, ofcourse. She kept telling David to run in and get swimsuits and towels for them. She's something else!

Lilah helping me make sourdough cinammon rolls. She mostly just wanted to lick off the brown sugar. 

After three amazing weeks of vacation, it's back to work life. I have really enjoyed teaching and stepping aside from bedside. It has been so good for my mental health and getting paid mostly the same ain't bad either. I was worried I'd over sleep or accidentally turn off my alarm. Thankfuly I woke up in time and even got to enjoy the beautiful sunrise. 

This New Year I have decided to set new goals. So far, for the past 3 years I have kept all of my goals. This year it will be to build more muscle, become more flexible, donate blood, and continue studying the scriptures. Here's to 2023!