Sunday, April 14, 2024

Life lately

We went to a baptism at the stake center and got to take some pictures by the temple

Everytime Lilah gets her picture taken, she has to remind us that she is 6 years old. 

Entertaining Annie

Bed time snuggles. Having three kids is a lot but also very fun

A very rare moment where David fell asleep on me

Lilah all dolled up in mom's heels and necklace.

Sourdough bread making. It's so nice having fresh bread. 

Annie loves wearing dad's shoes

I told the kids they were on time out and to go upstairs and play with toys. Instead, I found them using electronics and eating candy. I'm going to say that Lilah was the brains behind this operation. 

Annie helping daddy clean the carpet. 

David is always so sweet with Annie. He is so protective and kind to her. 

Annie loves her days at the library. I know that this is going to be an end of an era soon so I am enjoying her as my last baby. 

Annie's favorite toy. The clothes hamper. 

Watching BYU football with dad. 

Annie has the biggest sweet tooth ever. If there's candy, she will find it. 

She still fits in a box. 

She is now tall enough to get into trouble. 

David is always asking to play candy crush

Annie loves to drink out of the faucet just like daddy

This year I helped put together the primary program. As always, it was darling and so cute! 

Another day of playing in a box. 

Lilah hates brushing her teeth. I swear everything she does, she must make it difficult. Hence, she was the first one in our family to get a cavity. She had to get a grey crown to go with it. I thought she would kick and scream the entire time but the laughing gas did the trick. 

Annie has started to potty train herself at 20 months. I was NOT ready for this. But, she said she is done with diapers so I guess we are doing this. 

They had a nutrition class at the library and Annie was VERY into it and kept coming back for seconds and thirds. I had to cut her off, hehe! 

Lilah drew Marcia. She even got her shirt colors and everything. She is really into hair right now.