Wednesday, August 30, 2017

8 months old

Our little sweetie pie is eight months old. This month was a little slower so I was able to soak in all the babyness and cuddles. Lilah is getting to be the cutest little baby and has such a sweet personality. She gives love to everyone that talks to her and she gets compliments left and right when she goes out with me to run errands. People just can't get enough of those beautiful eyes of hers.

The beginning of this month was really hard. Probably the hardest month yet. I think from all of our traveling Lilah got constipated plus she was cutting teeth. It was not a good combo. She was SO irritable the first week of August. I felt like I was going to go crazy. I literally could not get anything done around the house. I usually make sure that we only run errands and have appointments once a week because it can be stressful but that first week in August, I couldn't even get dinner done because she would start crying as soon as I would put her down. I thought oh no, this is going to be bad. We stopped giving solids and formula all together and went straight to just breastmilk and prune juice. After two days Lilah was no longer constipated. The poor thing went like 8 days without pooping. I guess i'd be cranky too. After that things have been great. She was a little fussy pants while we were at Abuelita's house but was still able to enjoy our vacation a little bit. 

Lilah has really learned how to get around this month. She is sitting up now, although she still loses her balance and will cry if she falls over. 

She is also quite the crawler. She will go all over the TV room in a matter of minutes. One minute she is next to me and the other she has managed to get stuck under a chair or bonk her head on a toy. Silly Lilah! 

She LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. She will smile and squeal when she sees her reflection. The other day I left her on the floor playing in front of the mirror while I took a quick shower. When I came out of the shower I saw her break off the border of the mirror and smack herself on the chest from pulling on it so hard. She is quite the strong girl! I now have a frame-less mirror, thanks Lilah!

Lilah is able to stand holding on to something now. She is definitely not the best at this but she will do it for a couple of seconds while I am standing right behind her. She usually loses her balance and falls to the side or  her little legs will give out. 

This month Lilah went for more shots. She now weighs 13 pounds and is 25.5 inches short. She is till in the 6th percentile but the doctor was not concerned because she is growing according to her height. 

Some of Lilah's favorite foods right now include apples, green beans and sweet potatoes. Here she is munching on her apple. 

Here she is practicing her sitting skills at the park. 

Lilah gets into anything that is dangerous. If it's not good for her, she will find it. I think the next stage of life will be keeping this baby alive! She loves to chew on wires. Geez Lilah, keeping momma on her toes. 

I am still working right now. It's kind of tough finding baby sitting but so far it's working out. Working nights has been very helpful. Here's Lilah sending me off to work.  

Lilah loves her walks but don't you dare go over a bump without picking up the entire stroller. She DOES NOT like bumps. I have to go super duper slow when I am pushing her in her stroller or in the grocery store or else she will cry. What a diva!
Oh and i LOVE how she puts her toes up on the rail, so cute! 

Here she is getting into the weights and into the shutters while all her toys are on the rug behind her. 

Lilah has been sitting up on her little bathtub now too. She just wants to be a big girl. 

She is ALWAYS on the go and does not stop moving. Even changing her clothes and her diaper have become a challenge. These month's pictures were specially challenging because she would not sit still. Here I am attempting to take a picture with her while she's rolling around all over the room. 

She started doing this little head tilt. I think she knows that it melts me into a puddle so she continuously does it when I'm smiling at her. Gosh she's so cute! 

One of Lilah's favorites is Peek-A-Boo! Sometimes she even covers her own face and waits for you to lift the covers. Here we are playing peek-a-boo while she pokes her nose. 

Now that she rolls all over the room, she keeps getting stuck under things. Like one time I left her on the floor and heard the saddest little cry while I was just getting the vacuum. I ran back in the room and found her stuck under the bed. Here she is going towards the bed again after I got her out just moments ago. 

This picture is blurry, because like I mentioned before, she won't stop moving. But she pushes herself with her tippy toes and puts her butt up in the air. She is getting really good at getting around. 

Sometimes when Lilah won't let me get anything done I bring in reinforcements. Butter and Gus while gladly entertain Lilah while eating treats. She will just stare at them while they run around and play. 

Using her little legs to push herself on the floor. 

Standing up for a couple of seconds before falling over (Don't worry, mama caught you)

The other day I was sitting on the couch and looked over to find her chewing on the table, haha! She's like a little beaver these days always chewing on stuff. 

Some other little facts about Lilah is she likes to sleep on her side with her legs crossed. Kinda like this..

~Lilah Facts~

She hits herself on the head and rubs her ears when she's tired
She likes to blow bubbles while I'm feeding her pureed foods and get food all over my face and hair
She likes to put her feet up on me and her little hand on my chest when she's falling asleep
When she is going to sleep, she puts her little hands together and holds them. She has always loved her hands.
She is still super flexible and can take a nap with her feet by her face
She loves her binky right now and knows how to maneuver it to put it in correctly.
Sometimes I have to take her binky away while I am feeding her because she will put it in her mouth while I'm trying to feed her cereal or veggies. 
She started doing this thing were she bobs her head from side to side like she is dancing. 
She puts her belly in and out like a little mermaid
She can now hold her own bottle, yippie! 
She army crawled once last week
She will clap with her feet when she's excited
She takes two long naps during the day
She still sleeps in, in the morning but has been waking up at 2am and 5 am lately. 
She doesn't put her hands in her mouth as much any more. I guess those sharp teeth probably don't feel good on your finger.
She will do a fake cry if she wants mama to pick her up and mama always falls for it
She is in size 2 diapers and in 6 months clothes
She poops like once a day now and doesn't really have blow outs anymore
Her hair is getting longer

I love you my sweet Lilah! I can't believe what a beautiful little girl you are turning into! 

She pulled off her bracelet and started chewing on it

I could stare at those big brown eyes all day long. My favorite thing in the morning is waking up to you! You always smell so delicious and you are the happiest little baby in the mornings. 

Sometimes when I lay you down next to me, I can see you staring at me even though my eyes are closed. You stare at me until I open my eyes and then you smile and start squealing. 

If I don't wake up then you will open my eyes for me or start playing with my bottom lip and teeth. 

You give me the best little massages in the morning while you are laying there quietly next to me. I love those tiny hands so much. 

Trying to stand up. Not quite there baby! One day...

Always on the go, go, go. I could barely get a decent picture because you wanted to eat the necklace that was around the 8

There you go

Not the best picture but Lilah never lets me take a picture of her adorable teeth. 

She made it to the necklace. In the mouth it goes! 

I can just kiss you ALL. Day. Long. 

Longest lashes ever

You were getting HANGRY

Throwing a tantrum because you want food and momma wanted pictures

Rolling under the crib

You were so mad you rolled all the way under the crib and kept moving and getting more and more stuck. Oh baby girl, you sure keep things interesting. I love you my sweet Lilah! 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Little Mermaid birthday party

Lilah went to her first friend's birthday party. She was all dressed up and ready to go Saturday morning. 

She wore her outfit I bought her while shopping in Utah with Abuelita. 

So cute, Lilah! 

Her friend Sofia had ponies at her party and Lilah got to ride a pony for the first time! 

The sun was a little bright though

It has been so fun watching my friends have babies. Our girls are 1/2 year apart and it's been fun seeing them grow up.

  Second pony ride of the night! 

Ariel came to the party as well. Lilah was in love! 
Can you see the huge smile on her face?

So much excitement! 

I'm excited for when she grows older and really enjoys parties. Happy birthday to baby Sofia!