Monday, February 11, 2019

New Glasses and Grandma's last day of work.

After waiting around months to get this girl an eye appointment, we finally got one!
When Lilah was 9 months old I noticed one of her eyes deviated inward when she would look at me from far away. Everyone told me it was because her eye muscles were still getting stronger but it never went away.  
When she went for her 1 year appointment, Mike asked the doctor about it and he said it was normal for her age. Again we kept waiting and even put a patch on the strong eye to strengthen the weak eye.

At a year and a half we asked for a consultation to see the eye doctor and we finally got one! Turns out the weight was about 6 months though, argh! Apparently there was only one pediatric ophthalmologist in the area so the weight list was quite long.

The day we had our appointment I had worked the night before. I was so nervous I would fall asleep and miss her appointment. I asked to leave work a little bit early so I could get Lilah ready. I drove home and then drove back to Redlands to see the doctor.

The doctor was running 30 minutes late and when he finally saw her, he put eye drops in her eyes and told us to wait 30 more minutes. Lilah was loving all of the buttons and moving all of the equipment in the office. When she was finally seen by the doctor again (halleluyah!) He checked her eyes and said she needed glasses. He gave me a prescription and said she would probably need them until she's in highschool. We are to go back to get evaluated again in 2 months and see if there is any improvement. Getting this girl to leave her glasses on has been such a hassle!

Here's Lilah at her Music Makers class. Whenever we do follow the leader, she thinks it's time to push the kids in front of her. We're still working on that.

Miss Independent trying to put her socks on all by herself.

This was the day we went out to look for some new glasses for Lilah. Ofcourse it was raining on the day we needed to leave the house.

Trying out some glasses at the store.

Not the biggest fan of them.

We found some that fit and looked cute.

Lilah at home playing her favorite activity, beans.

Lilah eating her snacks and watching a show. This girl could play on the tablet all day long if I let her.

The doctor wanted me to go for a follow up ultrasound to see if the baby's renal arteries were still dilated. Everything is still the same but atleast I got to see the baby again.

Some days this girl is the best eater and some days I'm glad she loves her milk because that's about all she has all day.

We have been doing our Come Follow Me lessons on Saturday nights since I work Sunday nights. Here is Lilah working on her coloring activity after our very short lesson.

Grandma even got to help.

28 weeks with baby boy

Mike's schedule got switched for a couple of weeks while they were working on some computer stuff so Lilah got to go and hang out with a baby sitter while I got some sleep after work. Here we are walking home from her house. Lilah loves collecting rocks on our walks.

Lilah at music makers class. I love that my friend makes her feel so included.  

Lilah the day we got her new glasses! She would not keep them on so I bribed her with a binkie.

Lilah went with me to check on baby brother.

She wanted her blood pressure checked too.

Trying to distract Lilah from her glasses by playing outside.

Making some green juice.


I could watch this girl sleep all day. But usually if she's sleeping, I am sleeping also.

We have started working on the nursery. Here we are on one of many home depot runs. Lilah got herself a treat on our way out. Atleast she knows it needs to be scanned first.

The other day my brother came over with presents for Lilah. She is really getting the hang of opening presents.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Lilah with her new glasses (and binky)

Lilah found some goggles and decided those were better than her glasses.

We were able to visit grandma on her last day of work. Her co-workers threw her the most amazing potluck!

Every one loved seeing Lilah.

Grandma is one loved lady! Congratulations grandma!

Lilah and I have been making juices lately. I'll blend up some spinach on the blender and then i'll juice some other veggies. I feel like it's a great alternative to drinking soda on the days when I'm craving something sweet.

Lilah likes to try out each veggie before we juice it.

Lilah loves helping out with the juice.

Sometime she'll even sip along with me. Other times she's not really feeling it.

I've also been trying to do better about exercising. Here's Lilah doing a workout video with me. She's the best little buddy. I love watching her jump along and try to do her little squats.

Lilah has been keeping me so busy these days. She is one active little girl. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to show it. The days go by so fast. Whenever she sleeps, I hurry and try to get a little nap in. We are usually asleep together, both nights and days. I am starting to get more uncomfortable and feeling more aches and pains. I guess that means we are getting closer to meeting baby brother. I haven't really had too much time to get excited about this baby. I think I try not to think about it much because that means I will have twice as many little ones to take care of and the task seems daunting. If I'm so tired right now, I can't even imagine having 2 and getting that newborn sleep.
So far we have started buying things for the nursery. I have finally decided what I wanted but things have been coming along very slowly. Like I said, I've been so tired and busy this time around it's hard to get the room painted. I've also been working and trying my best not to call off so that I can have my time off when the baby is here.
I hope this baby continues to grow healthy and strong. I can't wait for Lilah to love on her little brother. She is going to be the best, most loving big sister.