Saturday, August 10, 2024

White Water

I love the crisp air during the winter. January in Southern California is my favorite. 
On this day, we decided to leave the house for a little adventure. My favorite. 

It's hard to leave the house but it's so much harder being home with the kids fighting, bored and making messes so we always opt for an adventure day if we can. 

There are so many beautiful places around us that we love. One of our favorites is White Water Preserve. 

It's a perfect small hike for the kids that ends in a little creek for the kids to play in. 

The kids have been asking alot for electronics and to sit at home and watch TV. It makes me so sad that they always choose to watch their dumb shows instead of going on an adventure. Sometimes they ask to go home during play dates so they can watch TV. It's the saddest thing! I hate electronics! 

Annie is a rock lover. David loves rocks too but Annie wants to stop and touch every rock which made me grateful this hike was so short. 

Trying to bribe her with candy to keep moving. 

We finally made it to the creek. 

They also have this cute man made pond that we have yet to play in. Maybe this summer we'll get a chance to explore it. 

I love that Lilah always wants her picture taken. I would too if I were that cute! 

David being silly wearing my pants. 

He cracks me up

Annie loves her brother. She'll scoot super close to him any chance she gets. 

Sometimes Annie wants  to be held and there's so much to do, but I try to pick her up as much as I can because I know I'm going to miss these moments. 

David out for a bike ride. 

Going on walks are a few of my favorite things. 

We started off strong studying the Book of Mormon. Here we are a as a family learning about the tree of life and following the Iron Rod around the play room. 

Following the Iron Rod in the dark. Hold on tight, kids! 

Piggy back rides with dad. 

Annie loves to get ready for school just like big bro. 

She asks to wear a backpack too. 

Work is pretty great so far. My friend ordered us Jimmy John's during our hour long lunch break. 

I also realized that I work with one of my nursing school friends. It's funny how things always come around. Never burn a bridge because you never know! 

Annie loves to dress up!

Lilah organizing the plates. She can be the best helper when she wants to be. 

David helping baby sister brush her teeth. 

Annie is so patient even with the full hand face grab, hehe. 

Annie showing me her drawing. 

I love her drawing so much. She is the cutest little artist. 


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