Saturday, February 18, 2017


Since Lilah was in the NICU for a week we couldn't get newborn pictures until she was 2 weeks old. I had totally forgotten I had paid for these until the photographer e-mailed me wondering when I was going to have this baby, woops! Unfortunately Lilah is my little alert baby and did NOT want to be missing out on what was going on around her. I was supposed to wake up at 7am and keep her awake but I was so tired I slept in until 8:30. Our pictures where at 10 am and I thought for sure she'd be sleepy but nope! We waited for an hour to see if she would get sleepy, the photographer tried everything too. She finally just gave up and said we'd just have 'awake' pictures. Good thing they turned out so cute!

Always so alert!

I still can not believe I made those little eyes, that little nose, and those ten fingers

Her feet are just so cute!


I will forever be bummed that I forgot to wear lipstick! Oh well..

Ugh, I just love her!

I'm so glad we took these because I want to remember her little forever

My little family

I love how little she looks under Mike's hand

I love you my little Lilah!

Lilah's 1st month

This little girl turned one month old January 30th. It's so weird because I feel like I have known her for longer than 1 month. Every night I pray that Lilah will be healthy and spread joy to everyone around her.
Every day I see how my prayer is answered. Lilah is such a content and happy baby. She smiles at everyone around her and is even starting to coo when people are talking to her.

Her great grandma Nielson absolutely adores her and always wants to hold her. She calls her 'little dolly'

Abuelita Adriana also asks for daily pictures and videos if not mommy gets in trouble:) She just loves her little grandbaby.

Lilah has been such a sweet baby I find myself craving another one already. Though I am reminded by people's facebook and instagram posts that the terrible twos are no joke, then I'm ok waiting.

Lilah has been keeping up her schedule of waking up to poo and eat every two hours. A couple of days in a row she gave momma a 4 hour sleep break and I felt like a new woman. Hopefully we can keep that up.

She's also really great about letting me know she is hungry. She is doing a great job at nursing, which I am so thankful for. I had heard horror stories of cracked bleeding nipples which terrified me of nursing but thankfully I never had any problems. She has been eating and growing like a champ. Also, the way she stares into my eyes while I am feeding her is the best.

I see so much of her daddy in this girl. It looks like her hair is going to stick with brown which is a perfect combination of Mike and I. We are still waiting on the eyes. They still look hazel but I am assuming they will turn brown in the next couple of weeks.

Lilah is still working on fitting into that newborn clothes. We are working on getting some baby rolls. The doctor said she is doing great and gaining weight like she's supposed to, which is great since that is my department and responsibility.

I love how Michael is learning how to dress a girl and most importantly accessorize! He is quickly learning that no outfit is complete without a cute headband.

I saw this tiny recliner at Ross the other day and I just had to have it! How cute is she in her tiny seat. It will be fun to watch her grow into it. 
Lilah is still so attentive to everything around her. She does not like to be swaddled or to have her hands tucked in. She likes to be moving around, specially her little octopus hands that she still has no control over. She has learned how to find her hand and suck on it when she is getting tired and is ready to go to bed. I've learned that she likes to suck on things when she is tired. We found her sucking on her thumb a couple of times so now we make sure we have a binky on hand when it's night time.

She has been such a champ at night time. She has this little schedule where she is awake from 8pm to midnight. I wait to go to sleep until midnight and do my last pumping session after her feeding and then we both sleep for 4 hours. When she sleeps for four hours, I swear she is a little angel, ha!

I am starting to slowly recover from my C-section and do more stuff around here. C-sections are no joke! I'm so annoyed at how long it is taking me to recuperate. I was feeling well the other day so I thought I'd vacuum and it turned out to be a bad idea. I'm still so sore. I forget what an intensive surgery it really is with the cutting of tissues and muscles. I cannot wait to feel better and start to exercise again.

I love how she is starting to smile more, love, love, love it! Such a happy girl.

We gave Lilah her first haircut the other day. She didn't seem to mind it. I thought I'd cut that chunk of hair that is growing in her crown so the rest of her hair could catch up. Hopefully the front of her hair starts growing in.
We trimmed the back of her head a little too, not too much.

All done!

Here are some random photos I've been taking.

I'm so scared that I'll regret not taking enough photos. I LOVE seeing baby photos of me.

I have to remember to get myself in some photos also because I love seeing pictures of my mom and I when I was little.

Her little Sunday outfit from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Gregg. Still swimming in it but at least she'll get to use is plenty of times.

Her second bath was done by me. I made sure to make it a much more relaxing and WARM experience this time around :) She loved it and stared at me like this the entire time. I love the way she looks at me!

My cute little morning alarm.

Starting to see so many more smiles. Hi, Lilah!

The dogs have been great with her. Gus will come over and inspect her if she's making noises. Butter doesn't really care for her right now. He just wants to cuddle with me.