Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Two weeks ago my mom came down to California. Joel was coming back from his journey in Alaska and I decided to join in on the fun. We went and picked up Joel from the airport and then went to downtown San Diego for some lunch. 

We hung out around there and enjoyed some food, shopping, and treats. 

After we were done, we headed over to visit family in Tijuana. 

They were so excited to meet little Lilah. 

After visiting with family we went and had some street tacos and drove to Rosarito to spend the night. 

Lilah enjoying her sink bath. 

The next day we drove to Ensenada.

Lilah waiting for her fish tacos. 

We had such a great time being together and laughing at each other like the good old days. 

Tio Joel held Lilah almost the entire time and she was so content. 

She usually cries if I am not the one holding her but she didn't mind her Tio carrying her at all. 

After hanging out in Ensenada we drove to the Bufadora where we ended our little road trip. It was so amazing being able to be all together once again. It's not often that we are able to hang out as a family since we all have different schedules. I loved seeing Lilah enjoy being her her abuelita and tia and tio. 

9 months

Our little sweet heart turned 9 months old! I can't believe that in 3 short months she will have been with us a whole year!

People can't get over what a beautiful baby she is. She gets compliments left and right about how beautiful her eyes are. I hope that Lilah will always bring joy to others with that sweet little smile of hers. 

She has developed such a sweet and happy personality. 


Every month we have been able to see Lilah learn new things. 

This month she has started to get on her hands and knees. She has not really figured out the whole crawling thing and reverts back to army crawling, but she definitely knows how to get around and is getting faster and faster each day. 

This chick wants to stand whenever she can. She still hasn't mastered crawling and is wabbly when it comes to sitting, but she loves to stand when I am holding her and helping her. 

She has started talking while sticking her tongue out again. She cracks me up! 

She takes about 2 one hour naps. One around 12 and another around 5. I still don't have her on a certain schedule and sometimes she sleeps less or more. But she still is a great little sleeper at night and only wakes up to have her morning mommy milk. 

Lilah is 14 lbs and 26 inches short. 

She wears size 2 in diapers. She still first in size 3 months clothes but has mostly outgrown all of those. She is currently in size 6 months. Sometimes she wears size 9 months but she's still working on fitting into that. 

Lilah has learned to say no and wabbles her head side to side on command. 

She wants to be around mommy at all times and doesn't like it when I have to go to the bathroom. I still can't leave her a the kid's club at the gym because she will cry. Here she is on top of the counter helping me make breakfast because she wanted to be close to me if not she would cry. 

Lilah has also learned how to fake cry. It is pretty great. She shows me her top gummy teeth and makes a pouty face. As soon as i lift her up, all is well in the world. 

Lilah making her new stinky face. I absolutely love when she makes this face. So. stinking. cute!!!

Now that she is eating solids, her poops are solids and it's pretty amazing. She only poops about twice a day now instead of every two hours. 

Lilah loves to play peek-a-boo and screeches with excitement when you say boo! She has even started to hide her own face with her blankets and loves when you pull them back. 

She finally fits into her new born size shoes. Her tiny feet are finally growing. 

Her favorite foods are sweet potatoes and mashed green beans. She is still working on liking fruits. She will eat some, but they're not her favorite. 

She has learned to use her index finger and thumb to pick up puffs. It is so cute to watch her learn coordination. She kind of looks like a little robot. 

She has learned to play by herself and as long as she can see me, she will entertain her self for almost an hour. 

She is also such an attentive little girl and is so curious about things. 

We have upgraded Lilah to a big girl bathtub now since she just wants to sit. I think she approves of her rubber ducky. 

I love that cheesy face. 

I love you so much my sweet Lilah, it's been the most wonderful 9 months being your mommy!