Sunday, August 11, 2024

California Science Center

We had a day to explore and I rather always have an adventure day than to be home with the kids on screens destroying my house so we drove out to the California Science Center. 

People think I'm crazy because I take my kids to places by myself, but I don't care. I don't want to wait around for Mike to be done with work to go places. I wish he was home more often because he's gone most of the week but either I brave being a single mom and go on adventures or we miss out on new memories. 

I told the kids to stay close to me since this was a big open space. When I sit them down and tell them it's just me there's mostly obedient and try to listen. But, Annie is 2 and wild and makes things quite stressful sometimes. Thankfully the other two are getting to an age where they can be a little helpful. 

We went around to different exhibits. I tried to read off the what was on the exhibits but it was hard to keep track of everyone at all times so we had to keep moving along quickly. 

We love this museum. It's free and so fun. 

This museum was the first place I went by myself when David and Lilah were little. It felt like such an accomplishment. 

My three little munchkins. I hope they remember a fun mom who tried to give them fun adventures. 

Annie didn't want to walk anymore so Lilah helped her out a bit. 

Stewart kids! They are so dang fun when they're not fighting. 

On the way home we stopped at an Indian temple

We learned about being respectful of other cultures and the kids were pretty reverent for the most part. 

We had to take our shoes off to go up to the temple. 

And then we walked around the grounds 

I like to follow moms on Instagram and see where they are going and save it on my phone. If we are ever close to that place, I try to stop and explore. 

Here's a picture of when I went on my first outing alone with David and Lilah. 

I can't quite remember why we went out for Fro-Yo but we were celebrating David doing something. 

Fun time at the park with friends. 

Every 10 weeks I teach a new set of students. This was a fun class and they gave me SO many presents! 

I was one spoiled teacher! 

Every once in a while I have really great groups that I enjoy dearly. This was one of them. 

David ready for Plaid day at school. 

Annie making cookies with dad. 

I was a little worried about Lilah starting activity days because she's a little immature and also she's way younger than the rest of the girls. But, she's been loving it! 

The girls are kind to her and the leaders are the best. 

I got to teach a little lesson and so we stayed to play after and sister Sallenbach has such a fun house. Her kids are older but they're autistic and so she keeps lots of toys around. 

Lilah loves making messes right now. I don't know why she enjoys dumping everything but it makes thins so hard. She completely destroyed the game room and I've literally been avoiding coming in here for like a month and a half. Seeing clutter like this clutters my mind and I get so overwhelmed. 

But finally I decided to tackle the room. My kids have so many toys and it makes me sad that they don't even want to play with them. They rather sit and watch TV all day if i'd let them. 

We don't go out to eat as a family because it is just so expensive these days. We are in the middle of inflation and it's so sad how high prices have gotten. So this day felt like such a treat specially because the kids behaved and we were able to enjoy lunch. 
My kids HAVE to go to college or they'll never be able to enjoy life. Living is just too expensive these days. 

Annie at Ethan's Minecraft birthday party. 


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