Monday, January 28, 2019

San Bernardino County Museum

At least once a week I try to go and take Lilah out on an adventure. This week we went to the museum. 

It was a cute museum that had lots of kid friendly things to do. 

Lilah loved running around and kept getting away from me. She is a girl on the go!

I tried my best to teach he about the little animals that were around. I love that she can sign the animals that she sees. 

After the museum we went and had take out in the car. I didn't want to bother wrestling Lilah in a restaurant all by my self so we just ate in the car and then headed home. 

January's service project

2 year old couch pictures!

To keep the spirit of Christmas alive this year, I decided that Lilah and I would do one service project a month. 

This month we decided to make treats for our friends. Mike made peanut butter squares, I was the taxi driver, and Lilah was the delivery girl. 

Lilah wanted to stay and play at each house! 

Our friends loved having her deliver treats. It was hard to get Lilah in and out of the car and I was tempted to get out of the car myself and just take the treats in but of course that was not the point. I don't know if Lilah got much out of it or if she understands at all but I hope that she will look back and remember us doing service for our friends. 

After delivering treats, we went and got ourselves some Mexican food and donuts. 

It was a very fun day

Los Rios Ranch

After being tired and being indoors for what seemed like most of December, Lilah and I went on a much needed adventure to one of our favorite spots. 

We love how close Los Rios Ranch is close to our house. It is such a pretty outdoors place that Lilah and I can enjoy together. 

Lilah woke up showing me her monkey backpack which was what prompted me to get dressed and go outside with my little girl. 

We tried to go on a little hike but quickly changed plans when Lilah wanted me to pick her up most of the way. This preggo mama couldn't carry 2 kiddos uphill so we decided to take it easy and just take a stroll enjoying nature. 

Lilah loves playing on my phone. It's going to be a learning experience for me trying to teach her that it's not all about electronics. But for now, she enjoys watching her shows and playing her little games on my phone once in a while. 

This year we started our Come Follow Me lessons. Since I work Sunday nights we decided to do them Saturday nights. It has been such a great day to prepare for the Sabbath. Since we have started learning about the birth of the Savior, it has really kept the spirit of Christmas alive in our home. I have loved leading the scriptures every day and gaining more knowledge about my Savior. I feel like I have so much to learn so I can teach Lilah. 

Lilah getting into mom's make up. 

First Sunday of the year. 

Hanging out at Music Makers. 

It's hard having to work on Mike's days off because I don't get to see him much but I love all of the days I get to spend at home with my little Lilah just us girls. 

Lilah turns 2

After the Holidays I wanted it to be all about Lilah so she and I went to work and put down the Christmas tree while daddy was at work. 

I'm happy to say, we had only 1 ornament mishap. 

Lilah loves water color time. 

We got a fun package from abuelita that came full of cute toys, including this bubble machine which Lilah loved. 

Again playing with her beans. 

Sunday morning our little girl turned 2 years old. She woke up not the happiest girl but that quickly turned around when she saw the fun balloons awaiting her. 

Here's a better representation of how the morning went, ha!

Our little girl 2 years ago. So much has changed!

The day we brought her home. 

Her first Sunday dress. 

A couple weeks old. 

That smile is my favorite thing in this world. 

18 months birthday celebration at Disneyland. 

On the night of Lilah's birthday we went over to grandma's house. 

She got to open her Christmas present from us. 

She was so sweet and made Lilah a birthday cake!

My little 2 year old. 

Opening her birthday present. 

Lilah has become the best little helper. She insists on going everywhere I go. She is so smart and although she does not talk yet, she will let you know exactly what she wants. She is quite the bossy little thing! She loves me playing right next to her. She is always asking for a show or to play on my phone. She is my little sensitive girl and is not a fighter (Atleast yet) She loves to include everyone in the room. She is good at sharing (so far). She loves giving her baby kisses and tucking in her little dolls. She is a little copy cat and will copy everything I do. She loves being outside and collecting rocks. She is really into coloring right now and loves to paint too. She is a wopping 21 lbs and is still a cute little thing.