Saturday, September 4, 2010

San Manuel

Lately Mike and I have been working on trying to make our back yard look like a back yard. Our front yard is now starting to get green and our back yard is coming alive once again. I have started a little vegetable garden, I will post some pictures later on. But yesterday Mike and I decided to put the yard work aside and go out on a date. We went and had dinner at Mi Tortilla, I'd never been there before but It was pretty good. After dinner we decided to go and check out our next door neighbor, the San Manuel Indio Casino. Mike wanted to walk there, yeah right. The casino wasn't so bad, pretty stinky, ofcourse. But they had a couple of things to do like buffet, free live music, and slot machines. We spent the first 5 dollars playing two 5 cent slot machines and didn't win anything. In las vegas we usually play for like 30 minutes with 5 dollars. So I asked Mike to take out more money so we could play a little more. So we got 5 dollars each. We walked around for alittle bit and found some machines to play so we both sat down and put our money in. Little did we know they weren't 5 cent machies but 5 dollar machines. Hahaha you should've seen Mike's face, it was so funny. That's what we get for not reading carefully. So we spinned a wheel for $5 and that was it! :D I thought it was very funny, Michael, well not so much. I posted a pic of Me being sad about the dumb machine taking all my money. Mike says he's never going there ever again, but we'll see.


If you probably didn't know I was called as the YW 2nd councelor. I went to church on Sunday the bishop came over Thursday and by the next Sunday I was in young women's. Being in YW has definately been interesting. I've been trying to figure out how to be their friend and leader at the same time. Mostly because they're so close in age. But it's cool when they come up to me for advice and stuff, and actually listen to what I say. I guess since I relate to them and know what they're going through it's easy to give advice now that i'm on the other side. I haven't been able to be there at Mutual very much because of work but the girls are really cool. Two weeks ago we had a service car wash at church. It was way fun. Everyone had a blast. I posted some pictures of some of the youth.Almost all the girls came. Oh and EveryOne got wet. I ALMOST got away with it but right as we were leaving some one got me.Being in YW will definately be a learning experience, I'll just have to keep working on not being confused as a youth and trying not to goof off too much.

Bike ride to the Beach

So Mike and I had been wanting to ride our bikes to the beach and finally the opportunity came up, Marcia told us her ward was going on a beach trip and we decided to tag along. We weren't sure what time, where or what but we just showed up with bikes. It turned out to be pretty fun, we were supposed to ride like 31 miles to beach but thankfully we started at a Yorba Linda Park so it was only 21 miles. It was alot of fun. The ride was easy and flat. Mike and I got to talk to each other for 2.5 hours... We kind of joked around, laughed, chatted, annoyed each other, got happy again, and overall it was a blast, a very tyring blast:) On one of the pictures i posted you can see Michael being mad at me, it was funny so I took a picture of him on action. The first 1.5 hours of the trip were all fine and dandy, the next thirty minutes it started to get tiring and we were kind of hungry. We didn't really plan all that well since we just kind of showed up at last minute. Thankfully I had a small little bag of check mix in my back pack that I very lovingly shared with my hungry husband. The last hour my knees were feeling it and I got a flat. We were about a mile out from the beach but we had to stop by the gas station for air because my flat had gotten real bad. Michael had the bright idea of leaving his wallet behind in the truck and I figured I didn't need mine since Mike always has his. So when we got to the gas station the guy said we had to pay .75 since we werent gas customers, and we had nothing, so we decided to walk to the next gas station but the gasoline guy called us back. By the time we got back to the air pump it was about to turn off but i got enough air to make it to the beach. I was pretty tired once i got there and there wasn't any food, about 30 later they started to boil water for corn. it was the most delicious corn i've ever had! later on we found out they used ocean salty water. Alot of us were confused to hear that but were to busy stuffing our faces with corn. Later on they made hot dogs. I would definately like to go back and do it again, except this time i'll take an extra pump and mike's wallet (notice I didn't say my own mwahaha)