Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jill's wedding

This past weekend my sister in law Jill got married. She found her soul mate up in Texas and decided she wanted to start a family with him and his 5 kiddos. It's so cute to see what a great family they all make. I'm excited for them and for Jill. 
The day before the wedding, Jill went and took bridal photos at the Payson temple. She looked absolutely stunning. We tagged along for the ride. 
I love how great this next picture shows their personalities
On our way back from pictures we stopped at a taco truck for dinner
The day of the wedding was so great. Jill's wedding was in the afternoon so in the morning, her in laws invited everyone to come and gather for breakfast in Provo.
The sealing was so beautiful. Payson temple was really gorgeous. You could see how happy Jill was as she was smiling from ear to ear the entire time. My father in law was definitely present at that ceremony and I know he was happy for his daughter. 
Here is the happy couple walking out of the temple. 
Here is Jill and her new kids. She loves them and I know they love her back because it's Jill, duh :)
With the most beautiful bride! 
After the wedding we went and hung out at the Monsons while Jill and her little family hung out together. Later in the evening we went to her new in laws for her backyard wedding. 
Their backyard was absolutely gorgeous. The food was good, the company was good, it was just a good day overall. 
How cute is their backyard?
The next day we hung out at grandma and grandpa Nielsons and he let us ride his 1928 Essex. Grandpa used to be part of a car club and has had this beauty for quite a while. He also would put it in parades and show it on car shows. It's pretty awesome. Here we are sitting in the trunk while Bryan and Karin rode in the front. 
Afterwards we took the kids over to the Stewart farm. I love this place and how serene and beautiful it is. Mike has so many childhood memories here. 
The kids were having a blast
We had such a great time at the farm we lost track of time. It was great visiting with Sam and Laura. 

The next day before heading home I thought we'd stop by my father in laws grave. I didn't think I'd get emotional but I told Mike we should better go after only being there for a couple of minutes. Man I sure miss Walt. 

After the cemetery we headed over to the Church's museum and hung out with family and friends. There was like 30 of us, it was quite the crowd!

Before the Browns hopped on their airplane, we stopped at the Lion's house for lunch. 
On our way back home we stopped by to visit the Castillos. Always have to sneak in as much family time as possible! 

Baby Stewart

This baby girl is growing and I am absolutely in love with it. I've been trying to stay on track of taking pictures, but I really need to be better at it. 
They recently changed my due date from December 11 to December 20th so now I am all off on the dates, but I will make my best attempt to label these pics correctly...

~16 Weeks~
Around 16 weeks I was starting to feel a lot of cramping. I told my doctor about it and she said to drink more water, from then on I always had a water bottle on hand and the toilet near by :) I felt like my pants were feeling a little more snug and a little bump was starting to appear now. 

~17 weeks~
At around 17 weeks the super smells were starting to taper off and the nausea was getting a lot better. I also felt less hungry than I had been in that first trimester. During the first trimester I would wake up at 2 in the morning STARVING and SO thirsty. I was starting to feel better and slowly get some energy back. 

~18 weeks~
Yay for having more energy. When I would get nauseous before, strawberries and blue Gatorade were my go to's. Now things were getting better and I wasn't getting up in the middle of the night for my strawberries and Gatorade. 

~19 weeks~
It's a girl! We found out around this time that we are getting a little Princess for Christmas. Can't believe we're almost to the half way mark!Those little flutters turned into kicks around this time. 

~20 weeks~
The little kicks are getting harder and daddy is able to feel his baby girl now! I'm also not as thirsty and hungry as I was before. Yay for not hogging the toilet at work anymore!

~22 weeks~
After having a second ultrasound to confirm we are having a girl, I also found out she's transverse at this time. Which explains why all her kicks are on the left side. She is a little mover. I feel like when I have my cell phone on my belly and have music playing, that she starts to move more. I'm also trying to sing more since my mom reminds me all the time that she can hear me now. 

~24 weeks~ 
The belly is getting a little bigger now. It's getting harder to hide this bump. People at church are starting to find out that I'm preggo ( I need to be sociable at church) 

~27 weeks~
Baby girl has been growing and I love it. Even when I wear a baggy shirt you can see the little belly pop out. I'm falling more in love with this little baby and find myself dreaming about how life will be when she gets here. I hope that I can be patient when I am sleep deprived and exhausted. Now that she's growing more my pelvis is really hurting. My doctor says everything is stretching and getting looser. Work is getting harder and I'm not enjoying having to push big patients around. I do my best to do the bare minimum. I applied for part time and am excited to start working only twice a week. 

~27 weeks~
Another discomfort has been carpal tunnel in the mornings. My doctor says it's all the extra fluid in my joints. Good thing it goes away after moving my hands around in the morning. Some days I feel bigger than others. I guess it depends on what time of day it is and what I've been eating. It's weird having so much attention be on my belly since that's usually not that area I like to draw attention to. It still makes me jump when even Mike touches my belly. 

~27 weeks~
Also, I realized this week that my shoes are not fitting anymore. I thought swelling started towards the end of the pregnancy but I guess we are getting there already. Even my sandles are starting to leave a little imprint on my feet. Mike has been such a sport giving me back massages and massaging my feet every night. He's gonna be the best daddy! 

It's a girl!

Since all of our family was going to be in Yellowstone for our family vacation, I thought it'd be a good time to find out what the gender of our baby was. It was also going to be Mike's birthday and I thought it'd be a cool birthday gift. 
We took some party stuff and made ourselves a little reveal party up at the cabin. 

In order for it to be a surprise to us, I bought blue and pink poppers. I asked my neighbor to look at the paper our ultrasound tech had given me which revealed if it was a boy or girl. She then grabbed whatever gender was the correct one and wrapped the poppers in black paper. She did such a great job wrapping the poppers we could not get those things opened! It took us forever to try and figure them out, sorry family. We had everyone gathered around the living room with their cameras ready and we just kept the suspense going while we tried to figure out the poppers. Once we finally figured it out the PINK confetti came out. Mike and I were almost sure that it was a boy, we were in shock. You could see it in our faces we were like whaaaat? I've always wanted to have a little girl and thought that having my first baby be a girl would be amazing. I think I kept telling myself a boy would be okay and that I could be a boy mom that I kind of got myself into thinking it would be a boy. 
Now that it was sinked it, I am so excited to be having a little princess. Mike loves to give kisses to his baby girl and I know that she will have daddy COMPLETELY wrapped around her fingers. 
On our way back from Yellowstone we also had a party for my Las Vegas family. The poppers were still hard to open the second time around but we figured them out quicker this time, hehe! 
Yay for little girls!!

Baby announcement

It seriously took me so long to process that I was actually pregnant. It still doesn't feel real. People kept asking me when I would officially announce it but I was so scared! Last time I had announced it, we got bad news weeks later and I was so scared to jinx it. 
I decided our anniversary would probably be a good time to spill the beans and make things facebook official. We had already told Mike's family in Yellowstone and we had told my family in Las Vegas on our way back so I thought before the news starts leaking I should probably announce it. It was so fun telling our families, I will post those videos on my youtube, they're awesome! 
We really didn't have much time to take pictures because it was all go, go, go. As we were headed from Las Vegas to Utah I told Mike to pull over on the side of the road and I got my cell phone out. These were the best pictures we got. 
It's a Bebe! I still can't believe it. I probably won't be able to believe it until I have a little baby in my arms. I'm starting to fall more in love with this little human, I hope these last 3 months will go by quickly. 

Girl's Camp

This year my mother asked me if I wanted to go to girl's camp. I was a little scared because I'm kind of shy around people, but later on I realized that the girls in my Sunday school class would all be there. That made me so excited because I love my girls. 
This girl's camp was not your typical girl's camp, it was fancy shmancy!

It was held at a resort in Yucaipa and it was like being on vacation. 

The place was really beautiful and tranquil. 

That white building on the right was one of the "cabins" the girls stayed in. 

How pretty is this little bridge?

The resort also hosted other people. They were far from the girls in these little houses. 

This was one of the rooms where the leaders stayed, I mean poor us right?

The weather was pretty nice while we were there. I was camp nurse, which was awesome! No mandatory drama, no crying girls, just giving out Tylenol and Benedryl for cramps :)

This building on the left was the music room. 

The YCL's had classes for the girls that they taught every day. 

Activities day. 

I mean can you see the chandelier? These girls dined in style. Everything was organic and raised on the resort. It was delish!

The garden was grown here, the potatoes were organic, I mean it was fancy stuff. 

On the last day the girls got me a camp sweater for being camp nurse. I never really cared for girl's camp but being a camp nurse just took things to a whole 'nother level. 

Last day hanging out with the Bishops. 

It was a fun couple of days, but I was sure glad to be back home with my boys!