Saturday, August 10, 2024

Boy's Disney Date!

I've been wanting to spend more one on one time with my kids and I mentioned to my sister in law if she wanted to come to Disneyland with us. She said YES! and we set a date to take our boys. 

We went to pick them up from the airport, and on our way home, we stopped to see the dinosaurs. The kids had a fun time running around with their cousins. 

It's always my favorite to see my kids have such close bonds with their cousins. 
The day of Disneyland was supposed to be pretty raininy. I was so nervous that we'd get completely dumped on. Thankfully it wasn't bad at all and the crowds were bad either!

Annie and Lucy stayed with grandma while Jill and I took the boys. 

It was definitely one of my most favorite days I've ever spent at Disneyland! 

We got to go on SO many rides and the lines weren't long at all. Apparently, Disney on a rainy day is the way to go! 

The boys had an absolute blast being together all day. I didn't take many pictures because I mostly took videos but it was a day I will never forget. 

Jill bought David a Buzz Light Year toy which he fell in love with. Here is Annie checking it out. 

Annie is definitely in her terrible 2's stage. She will hide if she's being naughty which almost makes it worse because she'll be completely quiet and still which always scares me that I've lost her. 

She loves to get bags and put everything in there. I'm always missing stuff from the bathroom and sometimes I'll find it in one of her nic nac bags. She is so much fun right now. Absolutely exhausting, but fun :)


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