Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Castillo-Stewart summer vacation

I love hanging out with Marsix's family. It's so fun to see the little cousins bond. We were going to go visit them in Vegas and then Alex had the awesome idea to go hang out at a resort. 

The kids had an absolute blast and the resort had so many fun things for the kids to do. 

We were only there 2 days but we made the best of it. 

Lilah loves her cousins. 

We had the whole pool to ourselves. 

David loves hanging out with Xander. Cousins make the best of friends! 

We found an awesome park that had a water park after we checked out of the resort. They had an arcade, theater, restaurants, river beach area to play in the sand, a pool, and a kid's club. The kids loved playing with their cousins and we all had Panda Express together for dinner which my kids always talk about when they see Panda Express. We even had a family home evening about Palm Sunday in our hotel room. It was a great getaway! 

Monkey see, monkey do! 

Annie running around at the Dentist's office. 

Doing a family home evening about how the temple got dirty and needed to be cleaned. 

We love living close to the beach. 

I wish we could go more often but we can't go without Mike since the kids are still too little and naughty. 

David used to be so scared of the water and now he wants to be in it the entire time. 

It was quite windy so the girl's decided to stay on the sand and build sand castles. 

Lilah was too cold and built herself a bed. I swear she gets cold and hot so easily. 

Library time with my Annie. 

Glasses crew!

David is really into puzzles these days 

He's really good at them too. 

Annie was being silly and sticking her face to mine. It was cute even though this picture most certainly is not cute haha! 


Monday, August 12, 2024

Circus Osorio

Goodie bag from my students on their last day. Being a teacher has its perks! 

Mike got the kids tickets to a circus. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to go because I was at work, but I was able to get off a little early and meet up with them. 

The kids loved the acrobats

It was a family circus and they were all so talented. 

During intermission, we grabbed some snacks and went back to enjoy the show. The kids were very attentive and thought the acrobats were awesome. 

It was a great first circus experience!

The kids have been so hard during Sacrament lately. The other day, Annie through a crayon and it landed on someone's chest. I was mortified. Meanwhile David and Lilah were fighting. So, we decided to book it and head to primary and practice being reverent. I hate going to church right now. I don't get to listen to anything and these kids just fight all the time. It's so embarrassing. 

That's much better! I haven't even been wanting to go to Sacrament meeting lately. There's no point. The kids just fight and I don't get anything out of it. So we've just been going straight to the primary room and doing primary. 

I'm not sure what's going on here, probably an outing with dad. 


Sunday, August 11, 2024

St Patrick's day

The kids matching in their green for St. Patrick's day. 

The leprechaun got in our house and made a mess in our bathroom. Here is David showing us how he made all the mess. 

The kids love the skate park. Beaumont has so many fun playgrounds around which I am very thankful for. 

We went with our little friend, Freddy. 

One of my students baked me some sourdough bread. I wish mine came out this nice! 

So sweet of her to bring it! 

Lilah and Annie love a good photo session. 

Library time with my Annie

We had a Primary Easter Scavenger hunt. We have so many kids in primary that all the activities are so fun. 

Annie kept stopping to eat the candies as she was picking them up so she didn't get a lot. 

The kids were sweet and decided to share some with her. 

David with our friend Ethan. 

Annie had lots of little friends who wanted to watch over her and she was loving it. 

After the scavenger hunt, we went to our ward's Easter show where they had artwork and music displays. 

This one was my favorite because it was two little girls and a boy and it kind of reminded me of my kids. 

Then, we went ready to go home yet so we stopped by the park. It was a day full of fun! 

The next day, Mike took the kids to our neighborhood scavenger hunt. 

Annie had hurt her little wrist so she was fine watching from far. 

I finished off another group of students. They wanted to have a potluck so we got together for lunch and chatted about life since they are ready to become new nurses.