Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tulum-Day 4

Tulum was another ruin that I had researched and wanted to go check out. After going to Chichen Itza and exploring pretty much all of Cancun, Tulum was a super easy drive. We had been getting home so late every night from being out and about that we made it a point to wake up early and be able to hang out at the beach.
When we first got to Tulum we were greeted by these ancient Mayan people who made the blue eyed anglo man their king :)

 Tulum was  beautiful. The contrast of the rocks against the green palm trees and blue skies made the views absolutely stunning.
 I can't believe that hundreds of years have passed and these ruins have been preserved, how lucky we are to get to explore our ancestors and their amazing creations.
 The fact that Tulum is right off the beach makes it so distinct from the other ruins, also makes for amazing views!

 I loved the colors of the rocks used to make these buildings

 I was glad for now rain so we could look around without being rushed by mother nature. It was also not too hot which was good because we had totally forgotten to bring extra sunblock.
 I thought it was funny that every one was taking pictures of the cactus so I took a picture too. I guess cactuses aren't very common in other places.
 We couldn't go in the beach because it was egg season for the turtles and there were hundreds of eggs buried in the sand.

 Gah I sure love this boy. I love being able to explore new things with him at my side, just makes it that much better.

 These views!
 So beautiful!

 There were so many of these guys and they were not even a little scared of the tourists, Mike almost got his foot ran over by one. They're so big!

 Loving all of the green


 Again, so amazed by the details carved in stone. Such talented people.

 Just chilling :)

 The 'light house'

Tulum was so awesome, definitely one of a kind. I love history and learning about how people lived hundreds of years ago. It's so fascinating! I'm kind of glad that I live in this time though because, there were way too many human sacrifices back in the day!
Mike discovered he can take panoramics with his camera, so cool!

 Since we were able to make it back to the hotel before the sun was down, Mike and I headed to the beach which was conveniently right off the hotel.

 The water was blue, clear, and warm, just the way I like it!

 I wish our beaches were like this, then I might actually want to get in!
 I loved that it was so clear you could see where you were swimming. I watched too much shark week when I was little and I'm terrified of one swimming close to shore. I get scared anytime you can't see what's going on down there

 Aaah, perfect relaxing way to end the day!

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