This little sweetie is 5 months old already. I keep thinking how big she is getting but when I look back at the months I think, she was so little the whole time. Even though I think she is getting so big, I know I will look back and think that she was just an itty bitty thing.
Lilah's favorite toy right now is her bouncer. At the beginning of the month she could not touch the floor. She has grown so much over these past weeks that not only does she touch the floor, but she likes to jump up and down.
She is not the best napper these days. It's a rare occasion when she takes a nap longer than 30 minutes.
Abuelita is head over heels over this girl! She loves to video chat with Lilah and Lilah loves it too.
Her tia Priscilla and tio Joel love her too.
She is always smiling and giggling.
She has started putting things in her mouth.
She loves bath time, and mommy loves a fresh baby!
We have discovered that now that she can sit up a little better, we can go to the park and go on the swings. Lilah loves it!
We love to go on walks and get some sunshine. Lilah has been sitting in the jogger without her car seat, such a big girl!
She is still a good little traveler.
Lilah gets so excited when Mike comes home from work, it's the cutest!
She loves her daddy. I hope they always have a special bond.
Grandma has been so helpful with Lilah! She volunteers to take her on rare occasions and also helps when mommy has to work on the weekdays.
Lilah loves hanging out with her grandma.
Michael does so well with Lilah at church. Some times I have to miss church because of work and Michael does the whole parenting thing solo. He is such a good daddy!
Hanging outside in the hammock. I love how her little cheeks will turn red so quickly when we are outside. Look at her flushed little face, hehe.
Every time we put Lilah on her bouncer or swing, we have to tie her in because she wiggles so much that she slides all the way down. She is starting to move more and more each day.
She loves playing with her toesies.
She will roll side to side in order to follow you around the room.
The other day she fell asleep holding her toes. Silly girl!
So happy on the swing.
ALWAYS with those fingers in her mouth.
Look at those chunky thighs! She has grown so much this past month.
I love her so much!
My little buddy. Oh, I sure hope that we can be besties forever!
This is perhaps one of my favorite pictures. I just happen to have my phone close by to snap this picture.
Picture #1
Picture #2, haha!
It's so fun having a girl!
Lilah had her first sink bath. She loved it! Look at those chubby rolls, goodness I sure love my little girl!
She loved sucking on those wet, soggy hands.
The other day I realized Mike and Lilah matched to a T. I was like, "hey you guys match!" and Mike's all like, "We always match." Ha! Well nobody invited me to the party I guess.
Happy 5 months my sweet girl. I love you more and more each day and I have loved watching you grow and learn new things.
We love you Lilah!
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