Lately Mike and I have been working on trying to make our back yard look like a back yard. Our front yard is now starting to get green and our back yard is coming alive once again. I have started a little vegetable garden, I will post some pictures later on. But yesterday Mike and I decided to put the yard work aside and go out on a date. We went and had dinner at Mi Tortilla, I'd never been there before but It was pretty good. After dinner we decided to go and check out our next door neighbor, the San Manuel Indio Casino. Mike wanted to walk there, yeah right. The casino wasn't so bad, pretty stinky, ofcourse. But they had a couple of things to do like buffet, free live music, and slot machines. We spent the first 5 dollars playing two 5 cent slot machines and didn't win anything. In las vegas we usually play for like 30 minutes with 5 dollars. So I asked Mike to take out more money so we could play a little more. So we got 5 dollars each. We walked around for alittle bit and found some machines to play so we both sat down and put our money in. Little did we know they weren't 5 cent machies but 5 dollar machines. Hahaha you should've seen Mike's face, it was so funny. That's what we get for not reading carefully. So we spinned a wheel for $5 and that was it! :D I thought it was very funny, Michael, well not so much. I posted a pic of Me being sad about the dumb machine taking all my money. Mike says he's never going there ever again, but we'll see.