Mike and I had a fun weekend. In the morning I cleaned up around the house and then went and met the boys at the Elders quorum activity. I didn't get the memo that there weren't any girls there but thankfully I got there late and it was only Mike Erick and I in the swimming pool. After the swimming party, Walt and Mike moved out all of my appliances from my apartment. It felt great... FREEDOM. I'm so excited to be out of that apartment and into my new home. After we got things all put away we decided to go to Sams Club. We got there pretty late and got kicked out so then we went to staters. It was really interesting to go shopping with Mike since I'm so used to going to the store and only getting stuff I like. We booth compromise well though. I realized it's a little pricy starting off from scratch but slowly but surely our pantry and cabinets are filling up. Our little home is feeling more and more like a Stewart home now;)